||Chapter 12||

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||Chapter 12||

<|Third Age 2974|>

    If Endor thought that she was dirty on previous occasions, then today she can easily consider herself a mess.  Indeed, the woman has a remarkable ability to never look nice in either a dress or trousers, and especially when it comes to presenting herself in front of the king.  Endor is certain that a curse lies over her when it comes to preparing for her meetings with Thorin Oakenshield.  Sure, on the last few encounters, she was not really trying to look nice.  But today, Endor had put in a great attempt to keep dirt off her trousers.

    Kili and Fili changed all that.  After wandering their way into her garden that afternoon, the two had gone to make trouble once more.  To them, the dirt was not meant to stay on the ground, but in the air and flying towards her.  Indeed, their antics turned into a full-out dirt-flinging war that Endor is happy to admit that she won.  And to better this victory, none of her marigolds were injured in battle.  Today was one for the books.

    But on a negative note, Endor is now filthy without a second to spare as she hurries to the library.  She is sure that she is leaving a trail of dirt behind her, with it falling from her clothes and hair, but pays little attention in her rush.  Not only is she late to her meeting with the king, but Kili seemed to be purposely preventing her from going.  Endor wonders why this is, though she does not know that she is soon to find out.

    Rushing forth into the room of scholarly intentions, Endor takes notice of the impatient Thorin Oakenshield sitting at their typical table.  The hobbit takes purposefully loud strides towards the dwarf, who turns to her with a stoic and contemptuous look.  Of course, Endor thinks nothing of this, knowing the king to be one of tidy intentions and the great extent to which she is not tidy in this moment.  Indeed, she probably looks like a walking sack of dirt.

"What happened to you?" the king asks gruffly, attempting to hide his emotions from the woman in his new intention to keep their relationship completely to business.

"I was planting and I guess I lost track of time.  My apologies," Endor mutters, taking a seat in the chair across from the king after wiping the dirt off her rear.  The last thing she needs is to be blamed for a garden growing in the library.

Thorin Oakenshield grunts at her words, turning away in his lax and pompous position on his chair.  The king tries his best to hold back both his emotions and disgust over the woman who simply gazes at him with those large eyes.  She may be a mess at the moment, but those eyes will always melt his heart.  All the more reason for looking away.

"Well since the sword matter is on hiatus, I propose we begin on your crown," Endor offers, talking with a sophistication that highly contrasts her state.

"Duly noted," Thorin remarks, jumping at the opportunity to get away from her.  His boots point towards the door as he replies additionally: "I'll be back in ten."

"Hey wait, can I come with you?" Endor jumps up, laying a hand on the king's upper arm as he attempts to leave the library.  To be certain, the woman is startled by the way that the king is acting, seeing as he was cordial in the previous few days.  Little does the woman know that the king mirrors her own affinity for the other, if not more.

"No," Thorin denies, dragging his arm back from the hobbit female who is trying to trap him in an uncomfortable situation.

"So what am I expected to do in this ten minutes? Sit here and look pretty?" Endor snarls, coming to reflect the king's attitude towards the other person.  If he is going to play nasty, then so shall Endor.

Endotherm {Thorin/Hobbit}Where stories live. Discover now