||Chapter 35||

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||Chapter 35||

<|Third Age 2974|>

||WARNING: This chapter contains allusions to sexual content, though no events are actually described. For those of you wary to such, feel free to skip this chapter--there's little literary and plot context. Thank you.||

It is some hours later when Endor and Thorin find themselves nearly bored to death and anxious to leave the party. In front of them, guests continue to dance with equal energy as earlier and food continues to flow from the kitchens. And although none of this is necessarily surprising to the newly-wedded couple given that the dwarves are notorious drinkers and partiers, it is becoming mundane to them both, evident to Balin himself.

"What are you two still doing here?" Balin asks, coming to stand in front of them at their head table, watching as Endor moves closer and closer to Thorin with each hour. He expects that soon enough, she will actually be sitting on his lap. "You ought to be off to your wedded bliss."

"Wedded bliss?" Endor questions not so much the idea behind the comment, but the phrasing. The hobbit girl is becoming more and more convinced of the strangeness of the dwarvenkind.

"Are you sure Balin? A week is a long time," Thorin asks, holding Endor with a firmer grip around her waist, pulling her tight into his chest. Of course, the dwarf king is anxious to be off on his vacation with his new-wife, as any dwarf would be. But, as always, the state of the kingdom comes first in Thorin's mind, as it always should for a king.

"You were longer last time, plus I have the nephews and Dis to help this time. Go!" Balin shoos, actually moving around the table to push Thorin and Endor from their seats and to their feet. Thorin looks startled at the actions of his advisors, and Endor comes to realize that Balin has never been this handsy with the king.

"Thank you Balin," Endor tells the dwarf, knowing that Thorin will not. It is the job of the Queen, after all, to reconcile the weaknesses of the King.

"It is no problem, lass," Balin responds, smiling at the two as Thorin carts them away and deeper into the celebrations. The king's hand comes to grasp the queen's hand in exchange for a grip around her waist, moving them quickly through the crowds and to the place where he last saw his friends and family.

"Do you need to say farewell to anyone?" Thorin asks Endor, pulling her close.

"I already talked with Bilbo and Frodo before they retired," Endor says, reminiscing on the way Frodo clung to her, almost forcing her to stay. "But I must see Dwalin and your--our nephews."

"Off you go then. I must speak with Dis," Thorin responds, pushing his wife away playfully in the direction of Kili and Fili. Endor turns to shoot Thorin a playful glare before rushing towards the two nephews and embracing them in a sudden, yet fitting, hug.

"Do not get into too much trouble while you're away. You can't blame us this time," Fili says as she pulls away from the two brothers, massive smiles on all their faces.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," Endor responds, shifting her smile into a smirk, more fitting to her expression. But it then shifts to a more genuine feeling, looking to the two dwarves she considers to be brothers, not nephews. "What will I do without you for a whole week?"

"Plenty of stuff," Kili quips, winking at her and prompting Endor to playfully hit him in response. And before they all know it, their trio is laughing loudly, tears almost streaming from their eyes. Arms winding around each other, once more, the feelings of the three seeming to surge outwards.

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