Chapter Ten (I Stopped Fighting My Inner Demons... We're On The Same Side Now)

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All I can really say is don't hate me for this chapter (Its boring in the beginning) and (Read and find out why you might hate me for a little part in here.) But stick with me! Read it all the way through then we can talk :P. 

And I really really want to thank you all for all the ABSILUTELY amazing comments on the last chapter. Nothing can make me smile better then a positive comment. ^-^ So THANK YOU ALL!

UNEDITED! Sry. I know ppl hate that. But I have this amazing new editor (@Siwawa) She's so nice I hate sending her things one after another! SHE'S SO ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! AND I DON'T WANNA PISS HER OFF! Nice people (Who are also magical like she is) tend to be absolutely insane when pissed off.  :/ So...


Chapter Ten (I Stopped Fighting My Inner Demons... We're On The Same Side Now)

I roll the pin between my lips, in the mirror I eye the sharp point at the end of it. A black pearl on the other end. I twist my hair around my finger until it looks like thick rope. I carefully wrap it around into a bun, then I grab the pin from my lips, holding it by the pearl.

I release my hair and it falls back to my shoulders and face. I lay my arm wrist up on the desk and slowly bring the tip down to the top of my wrist.

"Are you stupid?"...

I could hear Zander's voice in my head. His words meaning nothing to me.

But Corday's voice reached me.

..."It's okay, you're not alone anymore. I'm going to help you. I'm not giving up on you. Never again."

I bit down on my lip as I push the point into my skin and slowly drag it down my wrist and up my arm.

I release a breath...

And I feel release.

I watch the blood pool and and slide off. But then it stopped. The drops that had fallen off my wrist in a drip to the floor stopped. And it was pulled back, the blood pulled back into the cut and then the skin pulled itself together a shinny line left, one that would fade in a few minutes.

"Bridgette." Alec knocks on the door.

I jump and snapped around to him, dropping the pin.

"You okay? You look... Weird. Pretty but weird." He raises a brow.

"You just scared me." I pull up a tight smile, he walks to me and picks up the pin and places it into my palm.

"Oh, sorry." He smirks, "Good to know I can still sneak up on you. Since you're now an expert on giving Jace and I heart attacks every time you come back home."

"Oh ha-ha." I roll my eyes and twist my hair again, this time pushing the pin through the bun. "Perfect." I stand brushing off my dress.

Yeah a dress.

Jace force it. I do mean forced it, he knows me so well! He took everything out my closet that wasn't a skirt or a dress, and locked it into his room. And told me I'd get it back tomorrow.

I know.

Rude as fuck!

But I'd give it to him for being smart.


It wasn't anything too fancy.

It was a plain black strapless dress. And I was able to snatch my black combat boots.

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