Chapter 14 Oct 17

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As the last few people left, Mason quietly asked "Have either of you looked at the wood line?" as we looked up, he added "Look at the woods closest to us. Then look around to the sides of us." We followed his gaze.

Damian whispered "Damn, it's like a black whole right in the middle."

As soon as he said that, I took a quick breath in, and asked Mason "How long have you noticed it?"

He said "Shortly after we got here. Why?"

As I started pulled on both of their arms and head for the car, I calmly said "It's HIM. We need to get out of here." .

Damian asked "Why the hell is HE here?"

Mason snarled "I bet HE's hoping to get Michelle alone again."

I said in a rush "Can we please just get out of here?" We hurried the rest of the way to the car and headed for home. I watched the wood line as we drove, and the darkness seemed to be following us. As I pointed to the darkness, I whispered "Um, guys, HE's following us." .

Damian said "What the hell?"

As Mason started speeding up, he asked "How is that possible?" We didn't say much as Mason drove, and the darkness started to fade away. Not like we were losing it, but like it was dissolving. When it was gone Mason slowed down a little and said "That has to be the strangest thing I’ve ever seen."

Damian added "Aside from the tapes." He didn't need to say anything else. We all new what he meant. HIM appearing and disappearing in thin air.

When we got home, we sat in the car for a minute, and looked all around us. I said "I don't think HE's here. I don't feel HIM watching, so I think it’s safe to get out and go inside." After we got out quickly and rushed inside, I said "Well, at least we're safe inside." And smiled softly and asked "Are either of you hungry?" I needed a subject change, desperately.

Nodding, Damian said "Ya, I could eat."

Mason smiled gently and slowly wrapped his arms around me "I am actually. How about you?"

Nodding and wrapping my arms around him, I said "A little. I'll make us some comfort food." I looked up at Mason and smiled.

Damian, looking curious, asked "Comfort food?"

I looked at him and said "A good dinner and something really chocolaty for desert."

Mason asked "You want some help?"

After I stretched up and kissed him, I said "That's okay. You two go relax. I need to keep busy. It helps me get my mind off things." .

They went into the living room and watched the news. I went into the kitchen and started dinner and desert. I made Fettuccine Cacciatore with chicken. For desert, which I started first, I made Chocolate - Amaretto Cheesecake. We all stuffed ourselves and talked about little things. When we finished, we all cleaned up the mess. Mason put the dishes in the dishwasher away, Damian picked up and brought dishes to me, and I washed them. They helped put them in the dishwasher. We talked a little about how cold it was getting and how good dinner and dessert was. When the dishes were done and the dishwasher started, we headed to the living room. We all sat on the couch. I snuggled into Mason. Damian picked out a movie and started.

Mason absentmindedly said "It's supposed to snow in a couple days. I'll have to remember to shut off the fountain tomorrow."

I looked up to him and quietly said "I'll remind you." I gave him a little kiss, and we watched the movie and went to bed. Yay, no dreams again!

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