Chapter twenty seven: I can't hate you

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"Liv!" Jai waves his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I pull my gaze back to him.

"We're almost to the top." He smiles, pointing toward the sky. I look above us and sure enough were nearly touching the sky.

"I'm sorry for the other night." I whisper as our cart on the Ferris wheel stops at the top. This was out last ride of the night, Jai and I did teacups and a few other attractions and decided this for last.

"Hey, no reason to apologize, it takes two to tango, right?" He laughs.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I weakly smile. The cart lurched forward and we make our way back to the bottom.

"Took long enough." Summer huffs as w step off the platform. I smirk at the bruise on her jaw.

"Liv." Jai nudges my arm and I laugh, walking in the direction of James and Sami.

"Olivia, wait!" Luke calls which only makes me walk faster. "We need to talk." He sighs when he catches up to me.

"Not tonight." I glance at him through the corner of my eye.

"Then when?" He stops walking, grabbing my hand to stop my pace.

"Tomorrow." I give in and finally looking into his eyes. "You should get back to your girlfriend." I point over to Summer who's pouting whole walking a few feet behind Jai.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He nearly yells.

"And I don't have a twin sister who no one told me about." I roll my eyes and run to catch up with Sami.

He doesn't chase me this time and I feel slightly disappointed. You'll only hurt him.

"Come on love birds." I sigh, looking at James wrapping his arm around Sami's shoulder

"To the car!" Sami yells.


"Who has the marshmallows?" Daniel whines. I laugh as Jai stands on his chair and lifts them above his head.

"Skippy boy!" He teases as Daniel jumps to reach the bag. "Liv, catch!" Jai tosses the bag in my direction, but they land in the fire pit in front of me.

"Jai, you little bitch!" Daniel punches him in the arm.

"It's no biggie, it's on the edge." Luke says reaching toward the fire.

"Hey be careful." I warn and Luke looks up at me, smiling.

"Fuck!" He yells pulling his hand away.

"Are you okay?" I ask at the same time as Summer laughs. "Don't laugh, he could be hurt!" I yell, grabbing Luke's arm and looking at his hand.

"I didn't need the marshmallows that bad, sorry." Daniel sighs.

"It's alright, I'm fine." Luke laughs.

"Come with me." I whisper and bring him inside and straight to my bathroom.

"Hey, I'm fine." He grabs my wrist.

"No your hands all burnt up, just let me clean it up and we can go back." I nod, grabbing ointment and bandage wrap. I fill the sink with warm water and wash his hand in the water.

"Almost done." I whisper while placing small dots of ointment on each burn. "Okay there." I smile up at him as I finish wrapping his hand.

"Why did you help me? I thought you hate me." He shakes his head.

"I can't hate you, I try and I just miserably fail." I bite my bottom lip.

"I never meant to hurt you, I'm sorry." He places his thumb on my lips.

"I know." I lace my fingers with his and lean up towards his lips, pecking them. "I know." I sigh, pressing our foreheads together. "I am so in love with you, but we can't be together." I whisper like it's a secret.

"Why not?" He asks pulling away to look at me.

"Someday you'll understand." I smile, sadly.

He doesn't reply, he just examines me, as if he's trying to remember every detail. His bottom lip slowly drips down and his face is smudged with a frown.

"Come on." I open the bathroom door and follow him outside.


"Bye!" Summer yells and shuts the door behind her.

"Sami, come downstairs with me." I whisper.

"Night guys!" She smiles, waving everyone goodnight and following me to the basement.

I sit in the couch and feel the other side dip as she sits.

"Okay so it's obviously serious, you're acting like you've lost your dog." She laughs lightly.

"We need to leave." I turn my head to look at her.

"What?" She gapes.

"I've been saving up money to buy something back home somewhere. I can't be here."

"Give me a good reason why we should leave." She crosses her arms.

"I'm in love with Luke and I can't be with him, not knowing what we can do. I could never risk hurting him, not more than I have." I fight back tears.

"Running isn't the answer." She shakes her head.

"Then don't come with me! I'll be fine on my own!" I yell.

"I'm not the one making up irrational ideas!" She stands up.

"I-I can't be here, it's tearing me apart!" I pause. "Luke deserves someone can love him as much as he loves her and I can't do that." I fall apart into sobs.

Sami sits next to me and pulls me into her body. "Okay, hey, shh." She tries calming me down as my body shakes.

"You can stay, I need to leave. Maybe it'll be better if I go alone." I whisper once I calm down.

"Yeah, go find yourself and the come back when you're ready." She nods.

"It might be awhile, possibly years." I sigh.

"And that's okay." She whispers. "You're going to be okay, Liv. I promise."

Three chapters left!:) (including an epilogue which will kind of be the starter of the sequel:))

Question of the day: Fav Janoskian?

My answer: Jai vibes have been hitting me like crazy, but I don't have a favorite!!:)

Love, Cass

Don't forget to vote and comment❤️

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