Chapter twenty two: Birthday

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"Good morning, beautiful." Luke whispers in my ear. I groan and roll over, wanting to stay in this perfect, peaceful sleep.

"Come on, love. I'm going out with the boys today and I wanted to spend a little time with you before I leave." He says, I can tell he's pouting. I open one eye and look at him, he is pouting. I huff and sit up, completely forgetting I was naked.

"Sorry." I blush as I pull the blanket up over my chest.

"Don't apologize, baby cakes." He smirks as he leans into kiss me. A knock on the door pulls us apart.

"Luke? Livvy? I'm here!" Summer says in her high pitched, annoying, voice.

"Why is she here?" I whisper to Luke as I pull his tee shirt on.

"Babe, I didn't invite her here." He shakes his head. I open the door and look at her. She's really done it today. A navy blue strapless shirt and short jean shorts.

"Hi." I lean against the door frame.

"Well I figured since the boys are going out today, you and I could plan your birthday party!" She smiles. How'd she know my birthday is coming up?

"Olivia, you didn't tell me your birthday is soon." Luke says, walking over to us.

"It's not a big deal, Luke. It's just a birthday." I shake my head. No one ever really cared about my birthday. I always got a card from my parents and that was that. I'd go to school or work and come home like any other day. I just learned to accept the fact that I was not important enough to waste a day of celebrating me.

"It is a big deal! We're throwing you a huge party, and you and Summer can work out the details today!" He smiles.

"Wouldn't want the big twenty one to go to waste, right?" Summer smirks.

"I guess." I shrug.

"Well I'll let you two get ready, then we can get started on the party planning!" She smiles and skips away. Stupid Summer and her stupid skipping and smiling and smirking and ugh. Luke tugs me back in the room and straight to the bathroom.

"Let's shower." Luke smiles. He grabs the shirt I stole from him and rips it off my body and I instantly wrap my arms around my body.

"Don't cover you're body. You're so beautiful." He whispers and pulls my hand in his and eyes my body.

"God you're perfect. How did I get you?" He shakes his head as he pulls me under the steaming water.

"I ask myself that about you everyday." I look up at him. He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Come on, don't want to keep you from party planning." He smiles.


"So what kinds of cake?" Summer asks. I roll my eyes. We've been at this for about an hour. Stupid questions; what are you going to wear? What are we doing with your hair? What about makeup? Do you want alcohol there? Food?

"Vanilla is fine." I shrug.

"Alright I think I have everything we need!" She claps her hands. "Make sure the house is completely clean by tomorrow afternoon." She nods.


I sit up and stretch my arms up. Luke isn't next to me, so I just go straight to the kitchen.

"Happy birthday, Olivia!" The boys yell and I instantly smile.

"Thanks guys." I hug them.

"Waffles with whipped cream and strawberries, love." Luke points to the table and we all go to sit down.

Once we were done the boys all brought me to the living room for presents.

"Me first!" Jai yells and shoves a pink box in my hands. I open the lid and smile.

"Its so cute!" I pick up the baby pink beanie that says "uh huh honey" on it. "Thank you Jai."

"Okay my turn." Daniel hands me a box wrapped in newspaper.

"Love the wrapping." I wink. I rip it open and smirk.

"Your very own controller, welcome to the Fifa world." He laughs. The controller was pink.

"Aright don't get to excited now." Beau grabs a blue bag. I open it and shake my head.

"A framed picture of you, always what I wanted." I laugh.

"But really look behind the couch." He smirks. I turn my body around and look down behind the couch, grabbing the oversized box.

"Beau!" I yell. Inside was a huge blanket, three pillows, tons of snacks and movies. "This is perfect!" I hug him.

"Least, but not last." James hands me a small box and I open it.

"I love it!" I smile slipping the small teal charm bracelet on my wrist. Two charms were on it already, a fairy and an O. "You can get more for it too." James smiles.

"Okay here babe." Luke hands me a small box and my hand covers my hand when I open it. Inside is a small ring with diamonds incrusted around the band. "It's a promise ring." He smiles at me as he slips it on my finger.

"I love you." I throw my arms around him. He laughs into my neck and I hear the boys making gag noises.

"Shut up." I Push Beau.

"You love me, Liv." Beau laughs.


I slid on my red stilettos and looked up at my reflection. My hair was curled into loose ringlets, my makeup looked as if a professional did it, and my white dress fitted my body perfectly.

"Hey are you." Luke pauses,looking me up and down. "You look beautiful." He smiles at me. I know my cheeks were a crimson color instantly.

"We should probably go." I nodded as I followed Luke downstairs. He opened the door and my jaw hits the ground.

"What? No way! A limo!" I throw my head Back laughing.

"Only the best for my girl in her special day." He leaves our finger together and leads me to the limo, opening the door for me. We slide in and Luke hands me a glass of champagne.

"Are you excited?" He asks me.

"Of course I am. No ones ever gone this far for my birthday." I shrug. He smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

Minutes later we pull up in front of the event center that Summer insisted we needed to rent out for the night.

"Well, here goes nothing." I mumble stepping out of the limo.

Hey everyone!:) Sorry for my absence of writing, I've been having lots going on with my personal life and all that good stuff. Oh yeah and the chapter pic is how I imagine Olivia's promise ring from Luke(goals af) oh yeah and sorry for any grammar/spelling errors:/

Be ready for next chapter;)

Question of the day: Ever been skinny dipping?

My answer: NEVER! Maybe one day;)(just kidding, sort of hehe)

Don't forget to vote and comment:)

Love you -Cass

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