Chapter thirteen: Sober Thoughts

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"No!" I yelled as I was pushed into the dark water.

Looking up, I could see Luke laughing.

"Help!" I yelled as I drifted further down.

"I would never help you." Luke smirked and walked away.

And so I drifted down into the ocean. My lungs were burning and my eyelids were heavy. I knew this was it and I welcomed the ending of my life like a warm hug.

Luke's pov:
I ran to where Olivia slept as soon as I heard her screams.

"Liv, come on, wake up." I shook her gently and she sat up panting.

"Luke." She whispered, throwing her arms around my neck, crying into my neck.

"Calm down, love." I whisper.

"You wouldn't save me, Luke." She sobbed.

"I would always save you." I pulled away to look at her while tears streamed down my face.

"Don't leave me, please." She shook her head rapidly.

"Never." I said pulling her on my lap on the couch.

She looked up at me and kissed my jaw.

"Thank you." She yawned. And with that she drifted off in my arms.

Olivia's pov:
I stretched my arms out and looked at Luke who was sleeping.

"Morning." Jai said which made me jump.

"I didn't know you were up." I looked over at him, while he ate cereal.

"It's eleven thirty." He rolled his eyes.

"Oh, wow." I slipped on a pair of sweatpants over my shorts.

"Want some?" He asked pointing to a box of Cheerios. I nodded, realizing how hungry I was. I sat next to him and poured my cereal with milk.

"When'd he come out here?" He asked.

"I don't know, I must've been sleeping." I lied. I didn't want to tell him how I had a nightmare which had his twin brother in it.

"Well I'm going to go shower then I'm going to hangout with James. Beau and Daniel went out." He told me.

"Okay." I nodded as I heard Luke wake up.

"Your girl is in the kitchen." I heard Jai tell Luke. I smiled when he said, your girl, like I was Luke's girl. You could be.

"Good Morning." Luke stretched. I nodded in his direction. I was suddenly embarrassed that he saw me in a state of weakness.

"Friends of mine are throwing a party tonight for us. Let's leave at ten." He said taking my bowl from me and drinking the milk.

"Hey!" I yelled as he slurped it gone.

"Mmm." He moaned and licked his top lip. My eyes grew wide but I acted as if it didn't affect me.

"I want to stay in with you today, how does that sound?" He asks me.

"Well considering I don't know Australia and I'd be helpless in public, sounds nice." I smirk.

DemonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora