Chapter twelve: Not a lie

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"Let's go!" Jai yelled up the stairs. Today I was moving halfway across the world with a boy who I only dreamt of loving.

Luke put my bags in the back of the taxi while Jai got in. Beau, James, and Daniel had left the earlier this morning.

I slid in next to Jai and Luke side next to me.

"Melbourne here we come!" I laughed.


After what seemed like hours of waiting, we were finally on the plane. I was sat in the window seat next to Luke and Daniel. This is my second time being on a plane and I was excited that it would be with these boys.

"My mum said she can't wait to see you again." Luke said. I smiled in response and leaned my head back as we took off down the runway. My ears popped and I gulped. Luke laced his fingers with mine and gave my hand a squeeze.


"Miss, would you like a beverage?" The flight attendant asked.

"No that's alright." I nodded in her direction.

"How about you, sugar? Thirsty?" She winked at Luke. Jealously washed over me and I gritted my teeth. Luke laughed it off and declined her offer.

"Whore." I mumbled as she walked away.

"Jealous?" Luke piped in. I replied by elbowing him.

"Want to buy a movie?" He asked as I yawned.

"Alright." I smiled as he chose a comedy. 


"Love, wake up." Luke whispered. I sat up and yawned.

"You were sleeping on my shoulder." He smiled.

"Sorry, I didn't mean." He cut me off by pressing his lips to my forehead.

"You're adorable." He said, pulling away. Feeling the heat spread to my cheeks, I broke his gaze. I stood up and followed the boys off the plane.

"It'll be about thirty minutes to get back to the house." Jai told us.

"Guys!" I heard a familiar voice and looked over my shoulder. Their stood Gina who was running towards us. Jai met her half way and hugged her tightly.

"Mummy's boy." Luke teased his twin. I shoved him as he went in for his hug. After the boys received their hugs, she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's so nice to see you again, Olivia. I'm so happy you're okay." She whispered into my ear. I wasn't used to motherly affection, so I just smiled and thanked her.

We all got in her car, but there wasn't room for me.

"Here." Luke patted his lap.

"Ooh, Lukey Pukey." Beau teased. I rolled my eyes and sat on his lap.

"Sorry, Liv." Gina replied.

"It's no problem." I laughed.

Luke put his hands on my waist and we took off toward their house. No one mentioned that the roads were actually quite bumpy and I kept bouncing up and down on Luke's lap.

"Sorry." I laughed after a big bump.

"I don't mind." He whispered.

After we dropped James and Daniel at their homes, we finally were parked in their driveway.

"Home sweet home." Beau said stepping out of the car.

I heard the boys snickering as they grabbed their bags. Luke wasn't though, he was shoving Jai.

"What's so funny?" I asked pulling my luggage out.

"Tell her, Luke. Tell her about how hard the drive here was." Beau laughed. What? Wait, oh. Oohhhh. I knew that I was red as a tomato as my eyes traveled down to Luke's very tight jeans.

"I'm going inside." I said and turned to walk inside.

"You can just set your bags in the living room, do you mind sleeping on the couch?" Gina asked me.

"No, it's totally fine." I smiled. This woman who barely knew me, was treating me better than my mom ever did.

"I'm so glad you're here. I'm really sorry about your family and them disowning you." She said hugging me for the second time that day.

"It's alright, I'm really happy to be here." I nodded even though I was missing, Katie.

"I'll always be here for you. I know you must think I'm crazy because we've only met once, but I'll treat you like my own. You can come to me for anything." She said and once again, hugged me and I loved the feeling of having her in my life.

"Thanks so much, Gina." I said pulling away. She smiled and went to the kitchen.

"Want to see the house?" Luke asked and I nodded.

After ten minutes I knew the house down to a point and I was excited to be living here, that is until I could afford my own apartment.

"If you're hungry feel free to go to the kitchen. Blankets and pillows are over there and the remote is on the table. Goodnight, love." Gina smiled to me.

"Goodnight." I replied and grabbed a large tee shirt and shorts out of my bag. I walked down to the bathroom and changed quickly.

On my walk back I could hear Luke talking and I couldn't help, but over listen.

"And her eyes, their so beautiful. I love how she's not afraid to be herself and her crazy purple hair. She's so different and oh wow I could tell you for hours, Jai." He said. Then there was a moment of silence.

"Jai? You awake?" Silence.

"Guess not." He laughed. I heard the floor creak and I ran to the living room. Play it cool.

"Olivia? You're still up?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm just grabbing a blanket and a pillow." I said grabbing from where Gina said they would be.

"Well I came to say goodnight." He said and took the pillow and blanket from my hands. I gave him a confused look as he laid the pillow on the couch.

"Lay down." He ordered and I did just that. I rested my head on the pillow as he laid the blanket over me.

"Goodnight Olivia." He said, shutting off the light.

"Goodnight." I yawned.

"I love you." He whispered and I cut it, but I didn't want to respond. I couldn't. You say "I love you." back doofus. I can't lie about that. It's not a lie.

Hey everyone!:) did you like it? Yes? No? Maybe so?
Next chapter is gonna be a good one;)

Want to do a huge favor for me and go read ALL stories by slurpeeforjai ? Their are all so amazing and I can't get enough of them and she was sweet enough to read this story. I promise you won't regret reading them.

Xo, Cass:)

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