Chapter 9: My Boyfriend?

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I ran and run, i kept on running until i was out of breath. I pushed myself faster but suddenly felt a presence behind me. I whimpered when i felt it bite my leg, who new this day would actually come? It made me stop running and yank my leg out of the teeth. I turned to look at the creature behind me, ignoring the stinging sensation in my leg.

It was a big black wolf, shit it looked like an alpha wolf. It's the same wolf that tried to kill me last time.

He growled loudly at me and i whimpered but stopped myself halfway. I can't show fear. I wasn't going to be a coward this time. I put up a stance and kicked the wolf in the jaw with my leg. It surprised the wolf and me as well. The wolf suddenly got up and tackled me down, just then i heard a loud growl. Before i knew it, a larger wolf was bitting down the wolf that bit me.

I hear the smaller wolf whimper and i made an eye contact with the wolf that saved me. It was my mate! Dustin let out a threatening growl when the wolf that attacked me struggled more in his grip. I tried to get up but my bones give up and i fell into the muddy ground. By now, it had alreadt started raining hard.

My mate was observing me and an even louder growl came out as i heard a bone snap. The wolf's body immediately went limp and Dustin dropped him to the ground, his blood staining his snout. It made me smile at how strong he was but i stared at him horrifyingly how my mate just killed a wolf with one snap in the neck. It made me realize how strong he is and why fate choose a really weak human mate for him.

He walks over to me and looks at my wound. He then starts licking them. Soon, the pain was no longer there and i felt my strength regenerating. I looked at my wounded leg and it was closed with no more blood coming out. By the time i look up at him, he was already in his human form staring at me in apologetic way.

"Im sorry" he apologizes "i didn't know the truth would put your life at risk, but your mine. And i can't, NO, I won't let you go"

You have no idea how right it sounded when he called me his. Unconsciously, i stood up, feeling better, and pulled him in for a tight hug. He was warm and i liked it.

"Let's go home now shall we?" I nod smiling at him


My eyes widen in shock as Dustin changes from human to wolf right before my eyes.
I suddenly drop on the ground with a shock written on my face. Werewolves exist!
Werewolves exist!! WEREWOLVES EXIST!!! But how? How is he? Since when?
So many questions went through my head but nothing came out of my mouth.

I looked back at blondie and saw him whimpering at me. He slowly started to was my way, he came close enough to me and i held on to his soft fur. He leand in more to my touch and snuzzled his head on my neck, breathing in my scent. Just then, the black wolf appeared with a loud growl. There was not only one but two. One of them challenged blondie. And in a blink of an eye, their already fighting and biting down each others throat. I took this as my chance and ran away.


We were walking now as we lapse into silence, i started to admire how hot my mate was. The shorts he put on hang dangerously low on his waist and my hormonal side was clearly gushing about the fact that this boy was mine. I didn't notice that i was staring at him until he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist, my cheeks forming a blush. At least he was in a happier mood now.

His blonde hair was slightly messed up from fighting but he still managed to look cute. And while i started at him, he stared at me too. I immediately felt self-conscious about myself and squirmed uncomfortably under his gaze. He noticed and pulled me closer to him.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He gently whispers in my ear

"I'm not" i denied, though i secretly felt overjoyed that he called me beautiful. It was something i needed somebody to say to me so that i would finally feel enough for someone.

His turned hard "And what makes you think you aren't? Did someone talk bad about you?" His voice was angry and i really liked how protective he is.

I shook my head "i just don't feel like i am"

His eyes soften "Don't worry" he says tenderly and kisses my head "once we get back to my place, I'll make you feel beautiful everyday."

I raised a brow at him "And how are you planning on doing that?"

He smirks "by claiming what's mine"

"I think we should get to know each other more before that happens" i tease

"Well im sure we can do that before i reach my place" he says huskily, his eyes raking down my body again.

But what about London and Andrew? Should i tell them?

"What's wrong?" He asks noticing my sudden change of emotion

"What are we do about Andrew and London?"

He thinks for few minutes before answering me " Let's figure that out tomorrow, we'll tell them about us tomorrow. At school" i nod.

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