Chapter 7: A date?

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Mavis's POV

Dustin is so weird in so many levels. Sometimes he nice and sweet, sometimes his flirty and confident. I don't get him at all, once we drove away feom school, we talked a little and went to a nice place to eat. I was pretty hungry.

Andrew and Lola have been acting weird ever since Dustin came to school. There is definitely something going on here, which i will find out soon.

"Will you go out with me?" Dustin says suddenly,  i choke on my burger, he hands me water asking if im okey.

cough* cough* "im fine" i put the water down

"Will you?" He asks again

"Like-like a date?" I ask him, he scratches the back of his neck

"Yeah, like a date" he says smoothly, but i know he was nervous

"Well.. um.. i don't know" the hell? I do want to go on a date with you. Why am i saying i don't know? Stupid mouth.

"I really like you, and i know you feel the same" he says leaning closer, i look at him and smile.

"Okay! Sure, it doesn't hurt to go on a date" he grins

"Alright than c'mon" he takes my hand and leads me out.

"Where are we going? Wait. Are we going on a date right now?" I ask

"Yeah why not? " but i want it to be special, this clothes im wearing are so not suitable for my first date with Dustin. Where is he taking me?

10 minutes later.

Since its already night time the street lights are shimmering like fireflies. Although this isn't the most romantic-est date i have ever had, but its the most peaceful one i will remember. Right now Dustin and i are in the car eating, yeah, again. We're just enjoying our ice creams, its sounds childish but yeah! Gosh why am i so awkward?

I looked at Dustin and there was a cream in the corner of his mouth, i laughed and pointed at the side of my face where his scream was on.

"Hey! Here" i said pointing at my cheeks. He looks at me confusingly at first and then, he leans in and kisses my cheek! I got startled by his action.

"There is a cream on your cheek! " i said

"Oh you meant that?" He says totally calmly while my face turns into a ripe tomato.


Right after i arrived home i hopped on to my bed and just fell a sleep like that! Today was an interesting day. Gosh im so dead!


Next day was Saturday so im gonna go out and visit the forest! Its been a while since i last visited that place. I took my backbag, phone and food and all the other stuff that I'll need. I drove out of the city and walked to the forest. I called my friends that I'll be out in woods so they won't make plans for me.

Once i arrived, i took out my camera and started to take pictures of the wonders nature has given. There was this beautiful old tree house in the forest that i passed by last time i was here. After wondering around the forest, somehow i found the tree house and took lods of beautiful pictures of it.

All of a sudden i heard a loud growl coming from behind me, i quickly turned around and saw a black wold with red eyes growling at me. It took me exactly three seconds for me to decide wether i should run or not. The second, fear took over me, my legs uncontrollably ran away from the scary wolf, instead of leaving me alone it followed me. Seconds later i was tackled down by the black wolf, it open its mouth as if it was about to bite me when a blondish coloured wolf attacked the black one.

Not wanting to stay any longer in this fight, i ran away like a coward. Since when did wolves come to this forest? Shouldn't there be any news on them? On tv or on Facebook?

Finally once i was sure i was far enough from the wild wolfs insat down by the tree catching my breath. That was so scary i thought to myself. Minutes later, the blondish wolf that jumped on to the black one appeared infront of me. His eyes were golden, his furr was ash blonde, his paws big enough to kill an animal. This creature was insanely beautiful, i just stared at it as it stared back at me.

The blondie (thats what i decided to call the wolf) slowly walked towards me. My breath hitched in every step he took. When the wolf was close enough to my face, it huffs and rans back.

What just happend?


I feel so lazy to write my story these days. 
Im writing it because i know you'll be reading it!
Im so tired right now, cross country sucks! My legs are in pain.
Sorry for the short chapter!
Hope you liked it 😊😊

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