Chap 8: The Run [Edited]

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I woke up in agony. I opened my eyes slowly and stood up. I looked around and noticed i wasn't in my room.

"How is your head?" The door opened and Zylan came in. He reached the bed and sat down next to me.

"Where am i? Where is Ace?" I asked worriedly

"The mutt wasn't fast enough to catch me. And your in my house" his expression was blank

"How long have i been unconscious?"

"2 days" my eyes widen in schock. I have been sleeping for 2 freakin days? Are you serious?

"Im serious! Why would i lie" i looked at him. Did he just read my mind or was it a lucky guess? I thought to myself

"I can read your mind Arlene" i slid away from him once he said he could read my mind


"Vampires that are higher than the normal once have special powers" he explained, i nod in respond

"Zylan let me go home"

"No" he simply said

"Zylan please! What's the point in keeping me here?"

"Because i don't have the strength to stay away from you anymore. Your mine now"

"Im not some sort of an object. Im a living being. You can't just claim me" i said in angry tone

"You must be hungry, I'll get you some food" he stood up and walked away.



I need to ran away from this place, ugh this is so frustrating.

I can help you

A voice in my head said.

"What the fudge, who is that?" I asked looking around the room

The voice chuckled

You have a very interesting way of swearing! Now, im Roxy , im your wolf
the voice says calmly

"how is that possible i haven't transformed yet." I ask

Well because you have been staying away from our mate, i can't just hide myself now. I need to get to my mate now. She demands

"I have no idea what you just said" i asked clearly confused

You know you can speak with me in your mind. And by that i meant.. the necklace around you prevents you from transferring into werewolf or vampire. Now! You haven't got that necklace off of your neck not even once, correct?


"If you take that necklace off your transformation will begin" my wolf explains

So i did the most stupidest thing ever. I trusted her and took off my necklace, as soon as i took it off. I felt pain in my legs and heard my bones cracking. My throat felt so thirsty that i could even drink a tomato juice. Suddenly my body got lifted into the air and i felt myself getting tired and weak like i haven't ate food for years.

"Whats happening to me?" I asked my wolf

Your transforming, bear the pain, it will go away soon.

She tells me, i wanted to scream so loud right now but i couldn't, considering im at Zylans house.



After an hour the pain went away but i still felt weak, i was breathing so hard at moment. And i smelled the most amazing scent that could pleasure me.

Mate! Mate! My wolf screamed. Immediately i ran to the window and saw Aces wolf and his pack running this way.

You can mind link him idiot.  She says

"How am i supposed to do that genius?"

Just think about him and call him, he'll answer you

I closed my eyes focusing on chatting with Ace and kept on repeating his name .




"Ace can you hear me"

"Arlene is that you?" I heard my mates voice that i missed, my wolf was screaming and shouting at how sexy his voice is.

"Yeah its me" i replied

"Are you ok? Are you hurt? How are you mind linking me? Did you transform?"

"Hey hey! One question at a time. Im not hurt but im locked inside. And yes i did transform" i smiled happily to myself. All of a sudden Zylan came rushing in. He looked furious. He picked me up in bridal style and started to run away from the room i was in. I was going to ask him whats going on. But he told me to shut up. My wolf got angry at that

Let me take control, i can beat the crap out of this guy. I let her take control and she immediately jumped out of his grip on to the floor. And suddenly i felt my bones cracking. Zylan looked at me shocked

"You've transformed" he simply said. My wolf growled at him.

"Arlene run to the woods, I'll be waiting for you there" i heard Aces voice again, my wolf Roxy really seems to like him, since she jumps every time he talks.

I did what he told me and ran towards the woods. Zylan was after me and he was fast but I was faster. I had Vampire speed and werewolf transformation. I was stronger and faster than him.

Suddenly my mates scent hit me and Aces wolf jumped above me, protecting me from Zylan. He was growling and howling calling others to join him.

"Luna this way" Josh came in his wolf form and he took me to our territory.  He told me to wait near by the waterfall. There were trees and flowers and.. well it was just a beautiful nature. I waited there for what it felt like hours. While i was resting i saw a butterfly flapping its wings around me. I tried to catch it with my paw but i was tackled down by a huge wolf that seemed to be my mate.

"Mate, mate, mate" my wolf was screaming in happiness being with our mate again. He looked down upon me and started licking me here and there, and purred in relaxation while sticking to me like a glue.

🔜 Arlenes and Aces wolf above, with Arlenes Human look. If you don't like her look, you can always imagine someone elses look or yourself. Hope you liked this chapter. Oh yeah and song was meant to be a joke but i really love that song even if its childish. Adios. Wait for my next chap

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