Chapter Twelve

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Now that I knew that bastard was not only back, but it was Alex he tried to run over that day, not me, I had a huge dilemma. Do I tell her? If I didn't and she found out I'm pretty sure she would be angry, but could she handle it if I did tell her?

We had plans to have supper with my family tonight. She was excited, but incredibly nervous. I was excited too. I had told my parents so much about her and they couldn't wait to meet her. Her cop friend John did not want me to tell her. At least until they had some kind of lead as to his whereabouts, but it didn't feel right. I decided we would get through this supper and then I would tell her.

I had stayed at her place last night, but slept on the couch claiming I was too tired to go home. Truth was I couldn't bare the thought of her being alone. I brought my laptop with me so I could do some work once she had fallen asleep. What was I going to do when I went back to work full time? Although that was some time away because I was still getting dizzy at times. It still worried me. I couldn't bear the thought of that maniac out there and me not being able to protect her.

We stopped at my place and I let her wonder around as I quickly showered and changed. I could tell she knew something was up with me, and I hoped she cracked it up to nerves about tonight. I didn't want to ruin her night. I was also hoping her and Lana would hit it off. I think they will and it would be nice for her to have a female friend. Because you can't talk to guys about everything. At least I hope she wasn't planning on it with John. As understanding as I was trying to be I knew he wanted my girlfriend.

I found her in my office looking at the books covering the one wall. I wasn't a big reader, but the rare vacation I had I liked to spend at my reclusive cabin up north reading a good book. I had quite the collection.

"I thought you weren't a big reader?" She asked eyebrows raised.

I smiled "Not really, but when I get away from work I like to read at my cabin."

"You have a cabin?" She exclaimed.

"I sure do. I don't get to go up there as often as I would like. It's up North at Scott Lake. It's really beautiful up there. I will take you there if you like."

She sighed "I'd like that."

"Maybe soon because I am not allowed to go back to work full time yet." I said frowning. It was killing me not knowing what was going on in my own company.

She walked over to me and placed a small gentle kiss on my lips. I instantly smiled. "Don't frown Casanova" I felt myself blush at her calling me that. Reminded me of the day we met.

"Are you blushing?" She teased.

"Shhhh" I said and took her into my arms and kissed her again. I never wanted to let go.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She replied slightly nervous.

I took her hand and we headed out the door. The drive was quiet and somewhat uncomfortable. All I could think of was him and what her reaction would be once I told her. I tried to focus on tonight, but it was difficult. She also seemed preoccupied, but I was quite sure it was just 'meet the parents' nerves.

"They are going to love you." I winced at my use of the word love again hoping she wouldn't notice.

"I sure hope so." she weakly smiled.

I smiled back at her and once again I was blown away by how beautiful she is.

"What's that look for?"

"I didn't know I had a look."

"Ya." she explained "Every once and awhile you get this goofy grin, makes me think I have food on my face or something."

I laughed "I just get overwhelmed at how beautiful you are." She blushed and looked away "you make me happy." I added.

"You make me happy too." she whispered.

I smiled like I won the lottery. "Let's go" I gestured "and if it's too much just give my hand a hard squeeze and I will get us out of there, okay?"

"Okay." She looked relieved and I was glad I got her too relax even a little.

Before I could even reach for the doorknob it flew open and my Mom engulfed me in a huge hug.

"I'm so glad you're here." she gushed.

She let go reluctantly and smiled warmly at Alex. My mom was a hugger, and I could tell it was killing her not to, but she hadn't forgotten Alex's reaction to her hug at the hospital so she stayed put.

"You remember Alex Mom?"

"Of course I do. How are you dear?"

"I'm doing well thank you Mrs. Phillips" then she shocked us both by letting to of my hand and wrapping my mom in a big hug. "Thank you for having me for dinner." she added.

After a moment of shock, my mom smiled wide and hugged back. Even my Mother loved her already I could tell. One hug and she looked like she was a kid on Christmas morning.

"My pleasure sweetie. And you can call me Joanne." She insisted.

I couldn't be sure but it almost looked like my mom was tearing up. I glanced at Alex who seemed to be doing the same thing.

"Well do come in." she waved us in.

We followed her to the living room and were greeted by a room full of people. My Dad and my brother were on one of the couches chatting. Lana had unfortunately brought her friend Misty. Misty was her friend from university. She was pretty enough but annoying as hell. I had slept with her once at a party Lana threw, but I honestly didn't remember much about it. I regretted it because now she had a thing for me but the girl couldn't take no for an answer. I never understood why Lana was friends with her.

"Brandon!" Lana screamed and leaped up and engulfed me in a hug. I hadn't seen her since my accident, but I did talk to her lots so I had told her all about Alex.

"Good to see you too Lana" I chucked.
"Lana I'd like you to meet my beautiful girlfriend Alex." I love how she blushed. "Alex this is Lana."

"Hello. Nice to meet you" Alex softly said and stuck her hand out.

"Likewise." Lana smiled and grabbed her hand and held it more than she shook it.

Just then Misty cleared her throat. Lana dropped Alex's hand and we all looked over at Misty who proceeded to hug me a little too tightly and too long. I pushed her away.

"Really good to see you again Brandon." she said winking.

"I hope you don't mind I invited Misty along." Lana glanced somewhat apologetically.

"Of course not." I said but really it wasn't okay. Lana knew I was bringing Alex to meet the family for the first time. Why would she do this? She knows how I feel about Misty. I also told her how delicate Alex was, and Misty was very abrasive and that was putting it mildly. I glared at Lana for a moment to try and let her know later she was getting an earful.

"Alex" I grabbed her hand protectively. "This is Lana's friend from school Misty." I looked at Misty who wouldn't take her eyes off me and I could tell it was making my angel upsets. "Misty this is my angel" Misty's smile quickly vanished.

"Nice to meet you Misty." I think I saw a smug smile appear on Alex's face. She didn't offer a handshake either.

"Same here." Misty huffed.

Before more awkwardness ensued my brother and father made there way over. Michael never liked Misty either and had no problems cutting her off.

"Hey little brother." He gave me a hug. "How nuts are you going being away from work?" He chuckled.

I groaned "I hate it. I have no idea what's going on and it makes me crazy." this made him laugh more.

"Workaholic." He teased.

"Good to see you son." my Dad interrupted. "How are you feeling?" He asked while giving me a one armed hug as well.

"Better." he raised his eyebrows "but not one hundred per cent just yet." he nodded.

"Be patient." he never said much so when he did, I listened.

"I'll try." I said "Dad, Michael, you remember Alex?" I pulled her closer to me.

"How could we forget." Michael flashed a smile and went to hug her, but she flinched and squeezed my hand so hard I'm sure she left nail marks.

"I'm sorry." she whispered after a moment.

"No worries." he winked and stuck out his hand. I could see the guilt all over him. Which didn't really surprise me. Alex could enter your heart and you didn't even know it.

She was shaking but managed to shake his hand anyway. I was proud of her.

"Hello Alex." my Dad's steady voice boomed. "Welcome to our home."
He made no effort to hug her or shake her hand and she visibly relaxed.

"Thank you for having me Mr. Phillips." she said quietly but smiled at him.

"Please call me Mark." He smiled back.

"Would anyone care for a drink?" Mike piped up.

"I'd love a beer" I told him.

"Me too." my Dad added.

"Make that three." Lana said.

"Anything for you little lady?" Mike winked again at Alex and I rolled my eyes. He couldn't help himself. Flirting with women was the same as breathing for him.

"Just some water please."

Misty snorted a laugh, but was ignored. "Not a big drinker?"

"Not very often no" she admitted. It made me think of that day in her apartment when she first told me about Corey. She drank then but then after telling me her story I didn't blame her.

"Well maybe you should have one. We're all adults here, aren't we?" Misty was being a bitch. As usual.

"Well I am impressed." my Dad winked and Alex blushed.

Just then my Mom came in and she smiled at me. "Dinner is ready." she beamed.

"I'll get the drinks, everyone go and sit down." Mike said.

"Thanks Mike." I patted his back.

We all sat down at the table. I made sure neither Alex or I sat by Misty. Alex was between me and my brother once he brought the drinks. Lana and Misty sat on the other side and my parents at opposite ends at the head of that table. My mother opened a bottle of wine and poured the girls a drink.
Alex didn't want to be rude when my Mom poured her a glass. I took it and moved it in front of me. My mom looked at me confused before I could explain Misty piped up.

"Oh Alex is too young to drink."

She was the only one laughing at her lame joke. This bitch was getting on my last nerve.

"Alex doesn't drink much Mom. It's okay Mom I'll drink it." I glared at Lana again. Why did we have to put up with her dumb friend that no one likes.

"Oh that's refreshing dear. Young people drink too much these days. Maybe the person that hit you was drunk." she thought out loud.

Maybe he was I thought. I had almost forgotten about that dickhead and now he's fresh in my mind again. I scowled and looked up at my Mom who was tearing up. I was going to get up when Alex beat me to it and hugged her and said,

"I hate that Brandon was hurt, but I thank God every day for bringing him to me."

My heart swelled with pride and I smiled and loved her more than I thought possible.

"Oh sweetie." she hugged back "Welcome to the family"

Alex sat back down and I leaned over and kissed her cheek. We started to eat and everyone started chatting. My father really warmed up to Alex, and the two talked throughout most the supper. I talked a little to my brother, and even less to Lana and not at all to Misty. I was still mad at Lana for bringing her. I was just glad she didn't ruin the night. I enjoyed listening to my Dad and Alex talk. I hadn't heard him talk that much in a long time and I was loving it.

My Mom cooked her signature dish. Garlic roasted potatoes, stuffed chicken thighs with feta cheese and sun dried tomatoes and a spinach salad with homemade dressing. It was delicious. We all ranted and raved to my Mom about how good it was. Even Alex told her it was the best meal she had ever eaten and my Mom even blushed when Alex asked her to teach her how to cool one day.

After dinner Alex tried to help my Mom with cleaning up but she wasn't having it. She did however accept my help. I knew our conversation topic was going to be Alex, but I didn't mind.

"Oh I really like her Brandon, she's a keeper." my Mom gushed.

"Yes she is." I agreed. "She's very special."

"I don't mean to sound rude or pry, but has she told you what happened to her?"

The unavoidable question. "Yes she has Mom. It's awful. I think it's her story to tell you if she wishes, but I will tell you that she lived in a foster home until she was fifteen. Her foster parents son was a real creep and abused Alex." I bawled my fists in anger, "Not just physically."

"Oh that poor girl." I knew she would understand what I meant. "She's so strong to endure all that." She added thoughtfully. "What happened to him?" She asked "the creep?"

Now do I lie? Or tell her?

"Spit it out Brandon" she said sternly.

She always could read me "Well here's the thing Mom." I started "She hadn't heard from him in years, but..." I paused.

"But what?" She asked loading the last of the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Well the police have evidence he's the one that crashed into me."

"Oh my god." She covered her mouth with her hand. "He was trying to kill her."

"They think so, and they haven't found him yet either."

"That sick bastard." My eyes widened. My mother rarely swore. "Does Alex know?"

I sighed, "Not yet. I was going to tell her after tonight. She was so worried about meeting you guys, I didn't want her to go into anxiety overload."

"Well she had nothing to worry about. We love her."

"I know." I smiled. "I love her too."

"I know you do sweetie. I've never seen you this happy. Take care of her. And keep me posted." She gave me a big hug.

"Shall we go join them?" I said offering her my arm. She smiled and linked arms with me. I felt bad because I could see the concern all over her face, and I was the one that put it there.

We walked into the living room where my Dad was asleep in the recliner and Lana and Michael were teasing and laughing about something on the couch.

"Hey guys. Thanks for your help." I teased. "Where's Alex?" I asked.

The two stop talking and looked around. "She went to the bathroom, but that was a few minutes ago." Lana said.

"Where's Misty?" I asked starting to worry. This wasn't good.

Soon my question was answered we heard shouting coming from the hallway.

I got up and followed the voices worried my angel was getting yelled at by that bitch. As I got closer I realized it was Alex doing the yelling.

"Yes I noticed you starring at my boyfriend all night. What I didn't see was you getting the hint he's clearly not interested in you."

"He'll get tired of you soon enough. What could he possible see in you? You are a gold digging broken child. He's just using you for a quick lay. When he's finished with you he'll toss you away like the piece of trash you are. Then I will show him what a real woman can offer, again." Misty sneered.

That fucken bitch. Like I would ever be with her. I was going to storm in and rescue Alex when my Dad stopped me. I looked at him puzzled.

"Just wait son." So I did. I waited and listened.

"You listen very careful you caked up clown faced bitch. You're right I'm poor and I have nothing to offer him, but he sees something in me. He loves me for who I am, a real person I don't hide behind makeup and trampy clothes. He fell in love with me and I didn't have to sleep with him. I didn't open my legs like you. I opened my heart. So as for a quick lay?" She laughed "He's willing to stick by me forever and I didn't have to sleep with him to get him to do that. So you stay away from my man, because if you even glance at him with your slut faced eyes I'll show you how angry this child can get."

I had never been more happier in my life.

"You bitch." Misty spat and I heard a commotion. I had waited long enough. I ran to her just in time to see Misty push my angel. Alex stumbled but clenched her fist and punched Misty in the face.

Misty came up and her nose was bleeding. Might even be broken. By this time everyone had come running to see what was going on.

"What happened here?" My mom said.

"This psycho punched me for no reason." Misty said holding her nose. Lana saw the blood and grabbed a towel from the bathroom and handed it to her.

"Is this true?" Lana asked.

"Don't be stupid Lana." she was really pissing me off tonight. "Dad and I heard the whole thing. Misty provoked
Alex and shoved her first."

"That's not true" Misty whined.

"Young lady." my Dad said addressing Misty. "I heard what you said about my family." Misty looked confused. "Alex is part of this family now." Alex smiled and held my hand. "You are no longer welcome here. Please leave."

"But.." she protested.

"Catch the hint woman. Get out." Michael had gotten her purse threw it at her and motioned towards the door.

She grabbed her purse and angrily left.

"I'm so sorry." Alex started.

"Don't be sweetie. We're proud of you." my Dad said.

Alex looked around in disbelief and we all nodded. It's true we were all proud of her for standing up for herself. She beamed and seemed to be quite proud of herself as well.

"Maybe you guys should stay the night. It's getting late." my Mom said concerned. I knew she was really worried about Alex.

Before I could even answer Alex spoke up "That sounds great."

"I'll make up your old room." my Mom said smiling and headed to the bedroom.

Everyone else retreated to the living room. I was going to follow when Alex stopped me. She turned me around and took my head in her hands.

"I love you Brandon" she smiled and kissed my lips.

I paused in shock. Then a huge goofy grin came across my face. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her passionately. Her lips parted and ran my tongue across them. I found her tongue and gently massaged it with my own. She moaned in my mouth, and my whole body came alive. I kissed her one more time and pulled away. We were both breathing hard and I kissed her forehead and held her right and told her,

"I love you too Alex."

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