Chapter 3~ Peter Pan

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Peter's POV

The other day, the mermaids told me that the pirates had taken on a new recruit, a young girl named Red-Handed Jill. I asked what she did and they said that she was a storyteller.

I laughed and forgot about it.

Hook recruit a girl! HA! HA! HA! HA! It was idiotic! Hook hates kids, much less girls!

Today I heard about the Pirates coming to the mainland and I couldn't help but check it out. I took the Lost Boys and we checked it out from the trees. 

What we found was a nasty surprise- really nasty.

The entire crew was bathing. Tommy, who was stationed on the ground, ran away from the scene and vomited in the bushes. I signaled for the Lost Boys to bail and we headed upstream away from the scene. 

Then something caught my eye, a white shirt hanging off of a branch.

I let my feet drift off of the branch I was sitting on and I went to check it out. I flew around to the side of the tree where the shirt was. I peeked around the side of the trunk and then jumped back, startled at what I saw, hitting a tree branch.


It was a lady. 

A real lady!

She had long brown hair and lightly tanned skin. She jumped up when she heard the noise.

"Who's there?" she called out. She had a pretty voice, different from anything I had ever heard. Sweet but strong at the same time.

I didn't answer.

"Vinn? Is that you?" she called out. "Come on! Stop messing around! It's not funny!"

Still didn't answer. I could have mimicked his voice if I wanted to, but it wouldn't make sense for a pirate to be up in a tree. Tink appeared at my shoulder. She looked down at the girl and blew raspberries down at her. I shushed her.

"Vinn?" she whispered, her voice sounding afraid.

I tried to inch away from the tree but my foot caught on a branch.


Then she looked up and saw me. Her eyes grew wide with fear.

"VINN!" she screamed, "VINN! WHERE ARE YOU!?"

Then the Lost boys jumped her. They gagged her so that she couldn't scream and grabbed her. She struggled against them, frantically trying to get free. It took four of the boys to keep her down. Tubby grabbed his club and knocked her out. They took out the gag and put her on the ground.

I heard shouts coming from downstream. They had heard her screaming and were coming to look for her. 

"Time to go!" I grabbed the girl in my arms and lifted off. I wasn't worried about the boys, they knew how to take care of themselves. 

As I flew, I looked at the girl. There was a nasty cut on her forehead from when Tubby had clubbed her and it was bleeding. 

I got to the roof of our hideout and went through the top entrance. The fort was made out of a gigantic, hallow tree trunk. It was concealed by the trees and almost impossible to find unless you knew where to look.

I set the girl down on my bed. She looked pale and dead.

There was a single tear dribbling down her cheek and for some reason I wanted to brush it away, so I did.  

She was very beautiful. Her facial features were soft and lovely, and so was her hair. It made me sad to think that she was dead.

Then I heard the boys come in and I turned to Tubby. I suddenly felt livid. This was all his fault! She shouldn't be dead! She could have been a nice person and now we'd never get to find out!

"YOU!" I thundered, "You killed the girl!"

"I-I I did?" he stuttered, looking up at me, "I-I didn't mean to Peter! Honest!"

"That doesn't matter!" I raged, "You still killed her!"

He bowed his head in shame and then kneeled on the ground, pulling down the tattered neck of his shirt to reveal his chest.

"Strike Peter," he said, "Strike true."

I pulled out my sword and all of the boys solemnly removed their hats and bowed their heads. Tubby shut his eyes tightly and I walked towards him.

"WAIT!" yelled Pudge, the smallest of the Lost Boys, "SHE JUST MOVED!"

We all scrambled to where the girl laid, searching for movement. We all watched in wonder and relief as she turned her head and mumbled something unconsciously under her breath. 

"I didn't kill 'er!" Tubby whispered in relief.

"We thought you were a goner there!" Tommy slapped him on the back in congratulations. 

Tink glared down at the girl, her glow turning red from anger and jealousy. I waved her off. She would get over it.

"Tommy! Get me some of that medicine that the Indians made me," I ordered, "Joey! Get some water! Slightly! Get some cloth!" 

The boys scrambled to get everything that I asked them for.

"What can I do Peter?" Pudge piped up, looking up at me with his big brown eyes.

"You have the most important job of of all," I said, "You can help me clean up her forehead." 

Most of the bleeding had stopped but now a big purple and green bruise was forming. Once the boys had gathered everything that I needed, I cleaned the cut with some medicine that I got from the Indians and wrapped it with some fabric. 

Pudge had fetched her a blanket and we had tucked her into my bed. 

I watched her as she slept. Sometimes she was still and other times she would toss and turn fitfully, breathing heavily. At one point she began crying in her sleep and mumbling, "No! Let me go! Let me go!". I didn't know what to do so I picked her up into my arms and I cradled her, gently wiping away her tears. Eventually she calmed down and she curled up in my arms, wrapping her arms around my torso and refusing to let go.

I stared down at her all night, feeling like it was my duty to watch over her. She seemed so frail and small in my arms. I needed to protect her and make sure that she was safe, no matter what the cost.

I couldn't help but wonder why she was on the Jolly Roger with Hook and his men. She shouldn't be in a horrible place like that. She belonged here, with all of the other children. Hook hated children, girls especially. She was a mystery to me, one that I am determined to solve.


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Thanks for all the support guys! 

Your fellow reader and writer,

Laura :D

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