Nobody Compares

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"Here we are," Harry smiled as we made it to the door to my hotel room.

I fumbled awkwardly (and slightly drunkenly) through my pants pockets until I located my room key.

"Goodnight, Kit-Kat," Harry murmured. He pressed his soft lips to my forehead, then tilted his head back down, his lips brushing my face softly every so often until they reached mine. I leaned into him. He wrapped his arms even tighter around my waist, I rested my hands on the top of his shoulders, felling them rise and fall with each breath he took. Just like every kiss with Harry, everything seems so surreal. Like it's all a dream that I'll be forced to wake up from in a matter of minutes.

"Hmm," Harry sighed after pulling away, "although you are drunk, I'd say your kissing skills are spot on,"

"Because that's exactly what I strive for," I teased, only half kidding.

I reached past Harry to slide the key, the door clicked and I opened it slightly. I peeked my head in.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed, slightly slurred. Right before my eyes were none other than Blair Krouch and Louis Tomlinson making out on the sofa.

"Shhh," Harry laughed covering my mouth with his hand, "Kat, don't yell,"

"Mmmmnmmmnmn!!" The sound from my mouth was muffled through Harry's hand.

"Come on, darling, " Harry snickered, removing his hand from my mouth and taking my hand in his instead. "We'll go to Louis and I's room,"

"I cannot believe what I've just seen," I said.

"You're so dramatic," Harry laughed, "and it's strangely adorable,"

"You're strangely adorable," I tried to fight back, but somehow ended up complimenting.

"Am I now?" Harry raised his eyebrow, "interesting," he slid his key and held the door open for me to walk through.

Harry and Louis' room was about the same as Blair and I's with the exception of a few minor details.

"Harry," I said.


"I'm really tired,"

"I'm certain that you are," he smiled, "I'll grab you a t-shirt of mine to wear, it's probably more comfortable that what you have on,". Harry walked over to the dresser and quickly picked out a t-shirt for me. He walked back over and handed it to me.

I stood there for a moment before saying "uh.."

"You want me to turn around, don't you?" Harry said with a sly grin.

"Uh, yeah," I muttered.

Harry chucked and turned around with his hands covering his eyes, "you're so cliché," he joked.

"Life's a cliché," I said as I pulled my sweater over my head and replacing it with Harry's t-shirt. It reached about a third of the way down my thigh, so I took of my shorts to. "Alright, all ready," I smiled.

Harry turned and smiled at me.

"What?" I laughed.

"You're beautiful," Harry blurted.

I diverted my gaze as my cheeks began to turn pink.

"Sorry," Harry walked over, and hugged me around my waist from behind, "that sort of just burst out, it's true though," I could feel his breath pass my neck and it sent shivers up my spine.

"I love you," he nuzzled his face into my shoulder.

"I love you more," I giggled.


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