What Happens to Little Girls who Lie

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A/N: at first I accidently made Ryan say ain't in this chapter...do British people ever say ain't?

"Yeah..." I said looking expectantly at Harry. He had paused for the past few seconds, as if to think.

"I just....I...I have problems with Landon," he burst out.

"Problems?" I questioned. He didn't sound entirely convincing.

"He thinks I'm really stuck up," he continued.

I gasped sarcastically, "why would anyone think that?"

"Shut up," he said gently shoving me, but he still had a huge grin on his face.

"Continue," I said turning to face him.

"The rest of the boys get on great with him, but for some reason, he just doesn't like me,"

"So you don't want me going out with him?" I asked

"Not really," he said sheepishly.

"Oh," I said. I didn't know how to react. I was strangely relieved when he told me that he didn't want me going out with Landon, but Landon is so cute and sweet how could I hurt him like that?

"Just, consider...uh, consider your options," he said looking at the floor.

"Sure," I said uncomfortably, "And Haz,"


"I'm glad you're talking to me again,"

"Me too," a smile stretched across his face.


I laughed silently as I sat next to Harry on my couch, being tickled to death. I attempted to write "Stop" on my whiteboard, but all that I could write was " S, T , scribble, scribble". I pushed him off and pinned him to the ground. I gave him a cute little smirk, and walked to the kitchen to get some apple cider.

"Can I have some?" asked Harry giving me puppy-dog eyes.

I shook my head sternly.

"Pleeease?" he whined leaning closer.

I slapped his face and shook my head once more.

"I'll be your bestest friend!" he said.

I rolled my eyes.

Harry down on one knee and clasped his hands out in front of him, "Katherine! Please please PLEASE let me have some apple cider,"

I mouthed the word "Fine" and shoved the bottle of apple cider to him.

"I love you Kit-Kat!" he yelled giving me a big hug, then he ran and got a glass.

I wrote "You're stupid" on my white board.

"That really hurts Kat, it really hurts," he teased poking my side. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I knew exactly who it was because only one of my friends ever rang the doorbell; Ryan.

I oped the door and smiled at him. "Hey," I mouthed. I quickly scribbled something on my whiteboard. "I didn't know you were coming :)" I wrote and showed to to him.

He bit his lip and grimaced a bit.

I wrote "Do you want to come in?" and showed it to him.

"I can't," he said not looking my in the eye.

I wrote "Is everything alright?" and showed it to him.

"Um, Kat, I think we should take a break," he said.

I gave his a confused stunned look.

"Maybe take time and see other people. Reccently I've realized that I'm sort of into Izzi, and I didn't think it was fair to you," tears began to gather in my eyes, but he continued, so I did my best to hide it. "So I thought I would date her for a while and if it doesn't work out we..."

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