Before The World Cup: Michael

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"You look green. Should I be worried?" Demis asked, observing Michael closely.

"No, I'm fine." Michael said through his teeth. Demis had been a good friend to him for the last few months. He didn't know anyone when he moved here at the beginning of senior year but Demis and the rest of his friends were all welcoming. They bonded through their mutual love of football and they had all helped him get ready to try out for the team in which they were all part of.

Michael really wanted to join. He had already sent his college applications and one of them was to a college on the outskirts of the town which meant he would be able to play in the team while he was in college. His parents really wanted him to get a college degree but Michael always dreamed of playing football professionally. If this worked out he could do both and if he played well he could get an opportunity to jumpstart his career.

It wouldn't be easy, Michael thought as he saw a guy fool three defenders and score from an impossible angle. This might be 3rd division but these guys weren't kidding.

"Okay son let's see what you can do." The coach approached him and handed him a shirt. "Go warm up."

Michael grabbed the shirt and changed quickly, glancing towards the stands. His sister gave him a reassuring smile. He had told her not to come but she had insisted and he was glad she was there, rooting for him. She had seemed to be adjusting to the new school okay, but Michael hadn't paid as much attention to her as he should have. He made a mental note to try harder.

The coach gave him words of advice and sent him in, informing everyone else that this was a tryout and to try and pass the ball to Michael as much as they could.

Michael felt nervous but as soon as he touched the ball the first time all thoughts evaporated. As they always did. He played as if no one was watching and he wasn't being judged. Like he was playing with his friends.

Minutes later he heard the whistle blow and he looked up. He had no idea how much time had passed. He saw Olivia talking to Demis on the stands.

"Good mate!" Someone said and patted his shoulder. Michael turned around and saw the tall guy who had scored before.

"Thanks man." He said as the coach approached.

"Let's have a word son." The coach said and Michael followed him. "That was a good tryout." He said when they were far enough from everyone else. "There is work to do, but if you are committed..."

"I am yes. Absolutely."

"Alright then. You're in." The coach said and patted him on the back before running towards the field again. "We have practice 6 days a week. Be here tomorrow at 4."

"Yes sir! I mean, yes coach!" Michael said. He couldn't believe it. Suddenly his future had materialized in front of him. It wasn't a vague thing anymore, I may do this, or that or... He knew what he was going to be doing this time next year and the year after that and it gave him a sense of calm and excitement.

Michael walked towards the stands. He thought he would trick them into believing he didn't get in but his smile was too big to hide.

"Congratulations!" Demis said and Olivia hugged him tightly.

"Thank you." Michael said when his phone rang. He had given it to Olivia to hold.

"Oh, here." Olivia said, giving it back to him. "It was ringing non-stop before." She told him.

"It's probably Liza." Michael said. "She knew I had the tryout today."

"That's his girlfriend from back home." Olivia explained to Demis.

Michael looked at the screen. Indeed, Liza had called him four times. She must have been anxious to know how he did, he thought to himself and smiled. He missed her very much. He was about to call her when he noticed that she had sent him a text. 'Mikey it's not working anymore. Please don't call me. I'm sorry'.

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