29~Tortured, Tormented , Twisted

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It was a beautiful summer noon. Everyone was sitting in the garden. Nathan and Liza were telling Eliot about work. Kids were running around.

Eliot had changed a lot. He was a lot peaceful now.He did not date even a single girl since last two weeks. When Liza asked him about this he replied he wants to think about it and now he wants to start a family too.Liza was astonished.

It was a lazy day.The kids went in the house and vanished for a while.

When they came out , Noah was all covered with dirt. He looked a little grey creature while Bruce was as neat and clean as in the morning. Liza was really furious at Noah but Nathan gestured her to calm .Eliot let out a little cough and Liza narrowed her eyes . He was laughing inside, off course he was .

"Where have you been kids ?"Nathan asked them

"Noah went in the hole in the wall"Bruce told them.

"What hole?"Liza asked them.

"In the pantry "

Noah was looking at them .He had a a paper in his hand. He gave it to Eliot.

"Is it for me ? thanks"He took the paper and looked at it. When he looked at it he jumped from his chair. He was flabbergasted.His mouth was open and eyes were wide. He looked at Noah who stood there silently then he looked at Liza and Nathan. 

Nathan took the paper from him. It was an old picture. When Nathan looked at the picture his mouth made the O shaped too. His eyes popped out .Liza snatched the picture. It was their dad with a grey cat.

Liza did not understood anything.

"What is it Nathan?"She grabbed his collar and shook it.

Nathan collected his senses and spoke.

"This is Samantha "


"When Samanta left us , she was a kitten but in this picture she is a grown cat"

"What you mean ?"

"Grandpa stole their cat"Bruce did the math for Liza.

"What?"now Liza's mouth was open too while Nathan and Eliot were deep in toughts.

Liza looked at tow year old Noah who just stood their and watched the whole show. When he entered the little hole in the pantry his brother tried to stop him but he was so intrigued by the dark little hole where only a cat could enter. He crawled in for no reason and then came out like that.He just took the little piece of paper.

He gave it to Uncle Eliot because he saw his father giving him papers and cards and money many times. So he decided to give it to him.

Nathan looked at the picture for hours and Eliot snatched it from him again and again. Eliot looked at it for hours too. 

"It is gandma's home"Eliot told Nathan.

"yes"Nathan agreed.

Their parents had died but their grandma was still alive. She was living in Essex.Nathan and Liza visited her after every six months.

"Lets go to see her"Liza suggested.

It took an hour to reach there. The kids jumped out of cars and ran into the house yelling 

"granny, granny ,granny"

The old lady was so excited to see them. She had baked same chocolate cookies for them she used to bake for Nathan and Eliot decades ago.

Eliot was fidgeting and shaking his one leg. It was hard for him to go through all the greetings and wait for the right moment to pop the question.

"Now whats wrong with you?" Granny sensed Eliot's irritation and asked him.

Eliot looked at Nathan who started the conversation.

"Grandma, you remember our little cat Samantha ?Did dad brought it here ?"

"Why you think so ? Why would he bring it here ?" Grandma was lying straight but her face was showing her nervousness.

"Granny , we have proof"Eliot said coldly

"What proof ?"old lady was not convinced

"We have pictures of you and dad and the cat" Eliot said plainly.

The old lady's expression were exactly of a thief who was just caught red handed.

"Why you stole our cat? We were kids , so young and you did this to us? and included our dad into your hideous plans ?"Eliot lied .Liza pressed her lips in a line , she did not liked this blackmailing of old lady.

"Dont blame me , it was not me , it was your dad who brought the cat here.Because you two were in massive fights and your parents were so worried about this. They brought it here and asked me to take care of it.And never let you know about it"The old lady spilled it.

"Was mom into this too?"Eliot asked astonishingly.

"Yes, it was basically her"grandam replied.

"How could mom do this to me , she knew how much i loved that kitten"Eliot was shocked and hurt.

"Eliot , your mom was a mentally ill, she was not very strong emotionally. She suffered with chronic depression and raising you two was hell of a job. Then you were growing teenagers and that little cat was too much of a drama for her"Grnadma told them.

Eliot who was hurt.

"How could mom do this to me?"He repeated this many times.

"Eliot, you did not heard granny?mom was ill mentally ,we never knew it.Liza tell this idiot how hard it is to raise kids"

Liza was lost in her own toughts 

Liza never knew that Nathan's mother was suffering with depression. 

She looked at this man whom she met seven years ago. Now that explains why he was attracted to her. Even his first girlfriend was an addict too.

Does this mean he was attracted towards broken souls only ?Liza always wondered how he can be so content with a woman like her? A woman who is so shattered ?She was a broken glass , a tortured soul . How he put her back and fixed every part of her.

Is this because he saw his mother suffering too?

He himself was unconscious of this.

Eliot was almost whimpering when Noah looked at him he laughed pointing at him with his little finger.His finger was almost six inches away from Eliot's face. Eliot looked at Noah and left the room. 

Liza scolded Noah and told them to play. After few hours they came home. Eliot was not talking to anyone and went straight to his room. He did not left his room after that.

Liza and Nathan were laying at the bed.Nathan told many stories about their mother. He never knew how she was suffering at times.He talked about his mother till three in the morning. Liza listened without a blink.

He was silent for some time then suddenly he rolled over her.

Seven years and not a single day off from love making except for the days she was giving birth or was not fit physically.She could feel his weariness. They were locked in a hug and kissed each other. His eyes were lost before but now he came back. 

He adjusted himself and moved inside her.It was so slow and relieving.They forgot everything.They snuggled afterwards and slept holding hands later.

In the morning when Nathan was leaving for his office,he told Liza to take extra care of Eliot and call him immediately if anything happens.He hugged her for few minutes and then left.

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