Boot Camp

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After few days Eliot showed up .She was in her bedroom when she heard a voice .She thought Nathan is home early.She went down and there he was ,standing in the middle of their TV lounge.
" Woahh ,look at you , you look seventeen again ,how you lose all your fat ? "
He shouted with excitement. His words made Liza blushed .Nathan told her everyday that she looks so young now but she did not believed. Eliot was a brutally honest man.His words had different value.

Liza ran to him and hugged him.In the excitement she kissed him.

" You still have a crush over me " Eliot mocked her.She rolled her eyes.

Eliot was back
They talked until it was noon.They stopped for lunch but Liza still kept on talking with food in her mouth. She told him about kids ,their little mischiefs and about her daily life.She was studying towards another exam.
Eliot has many things to say too.

Noah came many times during the conversation .He stood silently and stare at Eliot. Liza knew Eliot has no much interest in kids and Noah never showed manners to strangers so she did not introduced anyone.

Eliot was amused though. His eyes showed this .

Noah was amazed at the stranger who looked like his father ,sound and laughed like his father.

Bruce came from school and saw Eliot .He shook hands with him.
Noah came close and he imitate his elder brother .He shook hand too.

It was hardly 4:30 when Nathan came home.

Eliot saw kids were jumping with excitement and six feet tall Nathan was standing between them. His face was glowing ,he had a big smile on his face .His eyes were so content.

Eliot looked at Liza and kids and thought to himself.

Was he wrong all these years?
Was his choices wrong ?
He partied hard and had fun but that did not last.
Was he wrong to chose a life of a party animal?

Nathan spotted Eliot ,his eyes widened but he was happy .He gave a smile to Eliot and Eliot smiling rose from the sofa.He walked to Nathan.It took him hardly four seconds to get there but they were the longest four seconds for Liza and Nathan.

Was he going to throw a blow ?
Was he leaving ?
Was he going to abuse ?

Nathan and Liza eyed each other.
Liza's brain made up the worst scenario .
What I'd he had a gun?

But Eliot did the most unexpected thing .He shook his hand and then hugged him.
Both kids were standing on the sides ,looking up.

Nathan's eyes were wide open,from Eliot's shoulder he threw a quick glance to Liza who was standing with a mouth wide open.

Eliot was enjoying the nervousness of Nathan.

Nathan tried to study his face.
Was he doing it to confuse him or was it a real hug ?

" where have you been? " Nathan asked

" american boot camp" Eliot replied.

They all sat down. Both kids settled on both thighs of Nathan.

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