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''Lets buy our house now ''

'' i want it big but i want it very cozy and small ''

''but what about kids ? ohh we need a big house ''

''what you say ?''

Nathan was blabbering on the plane on their way back home .
He was excited like a kid.

''We cant do it yet ''

''There is no way i will allow my wife to live in that neighborhood ,By the way , why you chose Gorton ? in entire Manchester ?''

''Eliot said same '' '' Look i did not want to be a leech , so i chose the most cheapest neighborhood , Eliot was a great friend but its does not seems right to take advantage of him like that ''

''well , there is nothing wrong in taking care of a wife rather it will look so wrong if I let you live like that "

''how will i tell Eliot ?''

''dont ask me this question ''

''He would be hurt ?''

''I dont know ''

''ok i got an idea , i will tell him that i am taking this on mortgage ''

Nathan winced and shuffled in his seat.

"how about elderly edge? It's a beautiful village connected to Manchester. All footballers live there, but how will you go to work? No, it will take too long. Can't live there. How about a little apartment in city center too? Yes, in weekdays you stay and walk to work and in weekend, we can live in elderly edge. "
They made plans, many plans. Now and then they mentioned Eliot and felt bad, sorry, angry and so many different emotions.

Life was beautiful, love was everywhere.
One day she was taking a shower in their Elderly Edge home .Nathan was shaving in the sink.

" I am going to London, I will come on the weekend "

Liza was sad at the news, they both were, she came out of the shower.
Kissed Nathan's half shaved face and ran to office.

In the evening she came back, jumped back in the shower. It will take away the stress and gloominess.

"long day? Huh? "
She heard Nathan. Ohh she knew this tone, this dark husky deep voice, she turned around. He was leaning on the wall, with both hands in his pockets .his eyes were half closed and lit with desire.
Liza felt very naked suddenly, she covered herself.

"you came back? "

" postponed my work, what are you doing to me? "

In one second he came out of his dress and in another he jumped in shower.
They hugged and made love many times but Liza cringed inside. Nathan was not complaining but she knew how their marriage was suffering.

She decided to come clean with Elliot.

" what if I fall in love with Nathan? "

She asked Elliot next day. He froze.
" it will ruin you "
" I am talking about us "
" are we still going to be family? "
Elliot did not reply. But Liza felt his heavy gaze on her while he was eating his breakfast.

" he will toy with you, and then leave you when he knows he has snatched you "
" he will walk an extra mile to win you, but don't be fooled, this is rivalry not love "
" I want to stop you because of you Liza, because I care "

" but what if he truly loves me too? "Liza asked

" why you care then? "
" because you are my family ,ONLY family "

"Liza, you are my only family too " " but we will be done if you chose him over me, I will never see you again" his word struck Liza like bricks.

Either Nathan or Eliot.

It was clear to her.

She told Nathan about it.

"whom do you chose? " he asked

" you" but he was not happy for himself he was sad for Eliot.

" he said you are his ONLY family " he confirmed.
It had hurt him. Eliot did not consider him family.

Tears stream down from Liza's eyes, her head was laying on Nathan's chest, who was equally sad.
Night was chasing day in the sky and they fell asleep in a while.

It was there first night when they were together but did not made love.
But morning came with same rosy colors, kisses and lots of love.

" I will keep it secret until we can hide it .we have all our lives to our self but I want to lengthen this last period with Eliot as much as I could. "

Nathan could not agree more. Somewhere down there he was feeling very guilty to snatch Liza from Eliot just like Samantha.

Weeks turned into months. They celebrated two anniversaries together, secretly. They got so used to their life.
When abnormal things are repeated they become normal too.

Then she got pregnant. They were so happy at once but then they sank in same gloominess.

" do you want me to come with you? "

" no I will do it alone "

It's the time, she told herself.

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