27~who is he?

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Please have look at my other novel Billionaire's Revenge 

I am about to start it in few days

I hope you will like that too

I love to read your comments please dont hesitate to leave 

Bruce was playing with other kids in the park. His baby sitter observed her a little then some young guy showed up and they both vanished to the bushes . It was happening since last few weeks . Liza had to stay at home with Noah.

Bruce played a lot then he got tired . He sat on one side . He noticed a stranger who was sitting silently .

The remarkable thing about this man was , he resembled his father a lot. 

Bruce stared at him but did not talk to him. The stranger looked straight.

After some time his babysitter showed up and they left for home .

Next day he saw him again. 

When his babysitter vanished he came close to the stranger .He was looking at the kids playing. 

Bruce stood two feet away and looked at him.This guy was intriguing him a lot for some reason .

The stranger turned to him and smiled then again looked at the kids.

Everyday it was repeated . At almost eleventh day Bruce mustered up the courage to talk to him. 

"Who are you ?"

The stranger turned to him and smiled.

"Why you asking ?"He asked instead.

"you look like my dad"

"I am his brother "

"Really ?" Bruce eyes widened ,the stranger chuckled a little .

"Do you have a sister?"

"No, a brother"

The stranger was disappointed.

"How is your brother ? is he good to you ?"

"No , he is trouble"

The stranger laughed .

"Do you hate him ?"

"No , i love him"

"Dont lie to me "

"I am not "Bruce insisted

"Dont you hate him sometimes ?"

"yes, when dad watch tv and we sleep on his tummy then Noah takes all the space ,he sleeps in five minutes and dad has to take him to bedroom and i lay on the sofa alone . then i hate him"

The stranger smiled deeply.

"Does your mom loves you more ?"

"Yes , i am her favorite"

"i see , what about your dad ?"

"we dont know, he never told us"

The babysitter showed up from the bushes.

"Do you like your baby sitter ?"

"No"Bruce replied

"good , because i guess your mom will fire her soon"


"dont tell her , she will hate you for that"

"i wont"

The stranger turned to leave but Bruce asked him

"hi , what you name ?"

The stranger smiled and said" Eliot"

The name sound familiar to Bruce.

At the dinner , Bruce mentioned it to the family.

"Mom , who is Eliot ?"

everyone froze at the table except Noah who was not flinched .

"Why you asking ?"dad asked

Bruce sensed he was in trouble. He was not allowed to talk to strangers.

Liza rose from her chair and shake Bruce's collar.

"Tell me Bruce , whom you have been talking to ?"

Bruce started weeping.

Nathans stopped her , tired to calm her and took Bruce with him to his study.

Noah just watched whole drama .It was rare for Bruce to get in trouble like that . It was usually him. Nathan calmed the child who was whimpering.

The he made him spill all the information. 

Eliot was back.Since last two years none heard anything about him.He asked for some sum of money and vanished. 

Sometimes Nathan wondered if he was still alive.

Liza had her own guilt to deal and Nathan had his own.

But good news was, he was alive.

Liza was waiting for Bruce and Nathan outside with her arms crossed against her chest. She was tapping on the floor. 

Nathan told Bruce to go to his room ,Bruce was relived and he ran to his room.

"no its not his fault , he did not talked to any stranger on the street, it was babysitter who left his alone"

Bruce heard his father saying . 

phew , now the babysitter will face his mom's fury not him , he is saved .

Nathan told Liza whole story.

First she was mad at babysitter for being so irresponsible .

Then she was shocked to hear about Eliot.

Then she was mad at Eliot for giving her a mini heart attack. He knew what he was doing.

Then she was so happy that he is alright .

Then she wondered where he has been ?

Then she wished that Eliot come home and end this stupid quarrel with his brother .

Then she was really confused and perplexed.

She did not know how to feel so she just wept and let go of all emotions.

Then she felt better.

Laying in the bed , facing each other , Nathan and Liza ,both gazed at each other.

Nathan caressed her locks every now and then. Then they slept.

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