17~When All Curtains Drop

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Eliot sat still in his chair and stared at Liza...... He was in same position since last ten minutes since she told him she is pregnant.

" whose child is this "
Liza cringed inside.

" ohh let me guess,
Nathan's "

Liza cringed more.

He jumped out of his skin.

" Liza! How could you? "
He almost shouted.

" how can you say it's Nathan's? "
Being pregnant is enough shock, once he got familiar with it, she would tell him other half truth, she thought.

" I am not blind Liza, I know you live in Alderly Edge, I know about that house of your, that he bought you. I have seen him many times in streets. Here in Manchester. You think I am an idiot? I know how you walk, how you wear read lipstick, how you talk and laugh, you think I am blind to all that? "

He sat fidgeting with a pen and shaking his one leg.

" how long? "

" just few months "

" don't bull shit me " he graves the table and struck it to the wall.
Liza startled, she put one hand on her tummy. Tears escaped her eyes.
" do you think he will care? " he pointed to her tummy. His eyes were wet too.
" you think he will care about you? "

" Ohh Liza you are just a toy "

" he will never be a father to this kid "
Should she tell that she is actually married? Would it ease his pain or worsen it?

He sat back on his chair. Now it was just two chairs facing each other, there was no table between them. It was crumpled in the corner with the wall.

" I thought you have a fling too. So I let you go your way. If you think I did not know, you were a fool. I know you went to London on this Chrismiss and last Chrismiss and New Year and your birthday. I knew it when you took an off at his birthday "

" But I thought you will see and leave him"

"how many week? Can you? " he pointed to her tummy again.

" Eliot I ..." and Eliot already knew what she was about to say.
" you think he is toying? Then he is not only one who is playing here. I can raise this child on my own .I have that house in gorton and alderly edge. I am already doing better than any thirty year old. I have this diploma, this job.
Tell me what chances I had other than Nathan? May be it was rivalry not love but it was still a blessing for me. You said he will walk an extra mile for me once and he did. Tell me could I date a normal guy any way? Could I sleep with any guy? If it wasn't Nathan I would have adopted a kid anyways. He was the best I could do ,would you have married me "

Eliot had settled now.
" ask him to marry you ,If he said no then you will never see him again "

" If he said yes then? "

" then I will never see you "

" Eliot! "
Tears streamed down from her cheeks. Then she wiped her eyes. " will you come to my wedding? "

He did not mutter a single word.

"ok" she said and she left.

In the morning when Liza told Nathan she would do it all alone he pretended to agree but he could not let her go all alone. He convinced her to do it after office hours and she agreed.

He entered the building and went to adjacent room where he could hear everything.

When Eliot threw his table violently ,he clenches his fists but stopped himself.

Next shock was bigger.
Liza's words....
Stung her inside.

Tell me what chances I had other than Nathan.........

You think he is toying?????
Then he is not only one playing here.......
Could I date a normal guy??????? ¿?????????????
Has she settled for me????????
Would you have married me?
Words came ringing like a bell.


Then she left.

And he heard Eliot sobbing like a child.

He stood there helpless and still.

Then he left too. Building was closed and dark.

Liza and Nathan threw a big fat party. Everyone was there except Eliot. Liza looked at the door again and again.

Nathan noticed her agony, he wanted him to come too. But deep down he was hating Liza's impatience for him. It was eating him inside.

' who knew a girl like me, will have everything? "
She whispered in Nathans ear when he came to the bed that night
" a husband, a baby  " he replied
" yes" she smiled .

She was so happy, when people are happy they are more hopeful. So she thought Eliot is going to be fine too. Happiness makes people clumsy and stupid.It makes people self centered and blind to others pain . 

She told Nathan she will see Eliot one last time. He did not mutter anything.

She traveled to Manchester,went to her old office. Eliot did not look at her. She begged and begged but he did not show any little streak of emotion. 

He sat there like a big wall of stone. She came near to his chair, sat on her knees, pulled his elbow towards her ,he did not resisted her but he did not even looked .

She gave up and she stood up, wrapped her arms around his neck, kissed his forehead and hair and then left.

This is emotional chapter

Is Eliot over reacting? Or he is right? What about Nathan? Over thinking?
Please tell me how you feel about this.
Don't forget to comment and vote :)))))love for all

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