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''Do you want sex that bad ?'' Liza was amazed . Nathan never rushed into sex . Sex always happened when Liza was ready , it was never pushed or forced at her . 

its because i have a very hideous past but then Nathan told her , he treats every woman like this . 

''Yes i want it '' Nathan said plainly 

'' But you said you never followed your cock ''

'' yes , i used to ...and it used to shock me how can people do casual sex .Because i used to hold myself , i controlled and saved myself , i could see the light at the end of tunnel . But now i have lost that light , that hope . Now i understand why people waste themselves in drugs or sex ,because they don't have any motivation or any hope in their lives . Sex is not about sex , its about filling the emptiness of days and nights .its about numbing the pain''

''I wish i could be a better wife '' 

They laid in silence there and then slept . Liza woke up at five in the morning . Nathan was not in her bed , she jumped out of her bed .

Where is he ? did he left last night ? i did not give him consent .

He came our of toilet .

''where were you last night ?''

''what ?'' he was confused .

''Did you went out and had sex with other women ?''

''wha.. no . i was here , sleeping ''

''Look , i cant give you consent to do it with other women '' Liza sat on the bed .

''ok i respect that ''

''but you will have to wait until i get back into shape ''

''That can not happen my love '' Nathan nuzzled on the back of her neck .

''No , wait , i get so tired at night . you know this feeding just sucks the life out of me ''

''we can do it in the morning or any other time '' 

''cant you just wait so i get better ''

''Liz , you are perfect .Trust me you are beautiful '' Liza felt better but she was not convinced at all . He kissed her on her cheeks .

''wait , i have a condition ''

''you already siad yes ''

''no , i did not ''

''What is it ?''

'' i want it to be like love making , not some empty casual sex even though i know IT IS CAUSAL SEX FOR YOU ''

''Liz its not just sex for me , i love you and i don't have to fake it , i make love with you every time ''

Nathan was hurt , she was hurt , they stared in to each others eyes for long long time ,tried to find the old flame . 

Their bodies were burning with passion but their hearts were aching more .

Its hard to be a need for someone you love.But at least she could touch him . She was making love but at least he was pretending to make her feel better . 

Nathan was glad too , she agreed ..out of jealousy but yet he could touch her . She threw her body like a bone to a dog . But it was the holiest thing for him , a temple . He was making love and at least she enjoyed it .  

He was laying over her . They both were panting , lost in their own thoughts .Closeness was filling them with more sorrow .

When people go to expensive shopping malls and look at the things they can't buy , it makes them sad .But when you have a lover in your bed , you have the body but not the heart then you feel real deprivation .

Liza went to Manchester . She told Eliot about everything . how she felt about her body , how baby was making her miserable . How she was failing her marriage .everything . 

Eliot heard everything ,silently and calmly . 

He promised he will think of a way .

she came back to London before night . 

''Where were you ?'' Nathan asked him .He was looking so miserable and devastated .His eyes were wet .

Was he weeping ?Liza never saw him weeping . Eliot was easy to weep , laugh but Nathan was a hard nut to crack . He never showed any emotions . Good thing is , god made men helpless in few things so Liza could peep into him but he was very controlled .

''at Manchester , i went to see my friend , i told you ''

''LIza , if you want to leave me then leave . Tell me what you want ? divorce ? i will give you a big alimony , you don't have to worry about that , you know me how i am don't you? '' 

''Nathan ,i ''

''If you don't want divorce you can stay my wife , i will leave this house , i will leave the baby for you ''

''are you scared because you see a psychologist ? don't worry i will not fight for custody , i know you are a good mother and i will be there when you want me ''


'Hushhhhh '' He put a finger on her lips . 

'' no more lies Liza , i can't take it '' he turned and walked away .

'' no , no , no '' Liza chased him and blocked his way .

''every time , its not going to be according to you , you will not decide it on your own , i am telling you i want everything , including you , take your money with you , i will work and raise the baby on my own but please stay with me ''

''Liza , its no use ''

''why ?if you love me why you cant stay ?''

Nathan stared at her for two seconds and then showed her his phone screen . it was a message from Eliot .

''Your wife is beautiful like strawberry ''

''Can you explain this ?''

Liza was speechless .

''Tell me how he knows how you look underneath your cloths ?''

''if you are going to tell me you were sleeping together before me i am not going to believe it . i talk to your psychologist regularly .you miss her appointments but i don't .''

''and strawberry pink is not very common color in women ''

''your lips are not strawberry pink , it can't be the wildest guess ''

Liza was screaming in her head . say something that stops him . say say say .

''He saw me feeding ''

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