21~To Know More

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''Liza don't humiliate yourself like this , you don't have to do this . You are not a slave , you have free will . you can walk away if you want to , i loved you and you gave me everything . you dont have any obligation towards me ,its not any kind of debt ''

''No , no , no , you are not leaving me , i will not let you '' Liza pulled his collar . She was very needy and desperate . She did not knew much about relationships .

''i beg you please dont leave me ''

''Liza ! ''

''Please dont leave me ''

''Ok , i am here '' Nathan was not prepared for such emotional outburst , he thought she would be ashamed and he will walk away . 

''Promise me you will not leave '' she was still holding his shirt tightly .

''ok , i will not leave you ''

she wrapped her arms tightly around him . 

''i love you Nathan , i always loved you even when i did not know you ''

''I dont know how that makes sense ''

''when i met Eliot i thought i loved him a little but it was not him it was still you ''

''i dont know how is it possible ''

''why ? people fall in love with pictures ,before meeting the person? it happens all the time . tell me is Eliot not a perfect copy of you ?''

Nathan had nothing to say

''You told me you love our baby's eyes the most because they resemble with mine ''

''The way you see me in our baby ,i saw you in Eliot long before we met ''

''I did not marry you because i need a home , a family , yes i need that but more than that i need you ''

''god how can i assure you '' Disappointment gushed through her ,she became furious again .She clenched her fists , tried to pull her hair in them .

''ok , ok i believe you ''Nathan grabbed her fists , tried to stop her .

''No you don't believe it , i know you don't , you just comforting me and in the morning you will be gone "

Nathan's mind was confused , he had nothing to say except for lies , nice , sweet lies to comfort her .but there was one truth .

''i love you ''

'' no , you don..''

''Liz , listen , listen to me , damn it . i want you to know that it is love that keeps me with you ...tell me why would i stay if i dont love you ?''

''kindness ?''

''its not kindness what i feel for you , its love . i know i was cold and mean because i thought you settled for me , but i loved you the moment i saw you at the pool ''

'' you saw me at pool ?''Liza raised her head from his chest , her face was wet with tears . 

''yes ,I saw you that night in the moonlight, I did not know you, your past... But I fell in love. I thought you were Eliot's girl friend so I avoided you like a plague.  I was scared to look at you I was afraid that my face will show my emotions,it will reveal everything. And I did not wanted any more fights with Eliot... I did not wanted to snatch another Samantha from him. It was so hard to stay away from you, god, how I waited for you in your street like an idiot.... Just to look at your face, just to look at you, "

he kissed her face.

" when I realized you are not Eliot's girl, I purposed you in few days. "

There was a long silence between them.  Then Liza spoke.

''that night at pool,  how long you stayed there ?''

''two hours ''

''what ?''
That night,Nathan stayed with Liza all night .Then next day he skipped office . He knew she would panic afterwards . So he decided to stay until she is convinced that he is not leaving her . Three days he stayed with her .They played with the baby , fed it , washed it .

 Everything was back now .Liza could see it in Nathan's eyes , he has same old flame there . He was not lost anymore. His eyes were back , it was a different smile ,it was warm and real . 

Eliot was right to point out , there was something wrong with Nathan .He was really hurt .He told her that he heard what she told Eliot that night before their wedding , but she denied it . she did not thought it was of any impotence .

She denied it and Nathan did not believed her .

But this gust of melodrama washed everything . 

''Mr. Eliot is here '' 

Liza was massaging the baby when someone told her .

She left the baby and went to see Eliot . He was climbing the stairs . when he saw Liza he opened his arms . 

''Lizzzaaa , my sweatheaaa...''

LIza slapped on his right cheek .

''what ?''

she slapped on the left cheek .

'woahhhh what is that for ?''

she slapped again on his right cheek . 

''hi , enough with this slapping violence ''

''Violence with men is violence too , too bad society is not serious about it '' he said , smilingly , shamelessly .

''how dare you ? sending my husband such a humiliating message ? i am married to your brother , i am his wife . how can you talk like that about me ? you thought you can destroy our relation like that ? ''

''what text ?what is wrong with that ?''

''stay away from me and my family ''

''excuse me , i live here too , this house belongs to my parents and it is mine too ''

Meanwhile Nathan emerged from behind , he was home early .

she chose a very wrong time to fight . 

Eliot turned to Nathan 

''Tell me what was wrong with my message ?'','' isn't your wife beautiful like strawberries ?''Eliot grinned .

Liza trembled with anger but Nathan did not react , he climbed the stairs without looking at any of them .

is he mad ?Liza asked herself . 

''I was wrong to trust you , we are not friends anymore , we are no family ''

''really ? can you keep your words ?''

''off course i will , and you will see how i keep my words ''

''we will see that , how long you stay true to your words ''


''but tell me Mrs. Nathan ,how is you marriage now ? haven't i resolved it ? tell me if i am wrong ? but my single message saved your marriage , didn't it ?'' he stepped closer to her . and said everything in her face , it was hard to look in his eyes so she looked away .

He uttered these words and his smile became bigger .it was the most devilish smile on the earth .

Liza's anger was gone in an instant . she was confused .

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