Black Coffee , Honey and Strawberries

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If Elliot was sweet like honey Nathan was bitter black coffee .Elliot was full of life , laughter , happiness , great friend , best part thrower ,kind ,generous and open . 

While Nathan was exact opposite ,stern , strict ,closed . His face knew no expression because he was really good at hiding it .They both looked similar ,had similar habits ,wear same cologne , same aftershave but they had different attitudes toward life . 

Eliot would date a new girl almost every week but Nathan would not trust every girl , he would only date if he was serious about it .

When Eliot decided to spend enormous money over some capital expenditure , he warned him . 'It is going to be your last mistake ' but he knew he would not stop , Eliot knew no retreat . They were always fighting like two bulls in the jungle , since day one . Nathan did not remember any day from his childhood without fighting . When his mother was alive there used to be an end to every fight but when both his parents died , things got real messy between them .At last he told Eliot that he would not take care of him anymore .

 He thought it will tame Eliot a bit because Nathan knew no friend would take care of him even for a day . He never liked his friends , they were all leeches , sucking money from him and Eliot was so blind to see their true selves . He knew he would be devastated in a day or two and will come back in a day or two . 

But Eliot went and vanished . He called him many times almost everyday but Eliot had closed the sim . It really amazed him , he was not expecting him to survive that long without him . At last , one day Eliot decided to put his sim back and talked to him .Nathan apologized and asked him to come back .Eliot did but asked to buy a house in Gorton .

Eliot came back , he did not changed his ways much but he was changed now .What you used to do for a living ? Nathan asked him ,

'' i was waiting at tables '' Nathan felt really proud at him . 

''you did not found any audit job '' 

''its really hard to find a good job without a reference ''this amazed Nathan ,Economy is that bad , he thought .

He decided that he will never get into such mess again but he was wrong . Eliot was more determined to test his nerves .When he got really big bills from contractors about the pool , he decided he will have to end this forever . He decided to bring Eliot to London and end this game forever . 

When he left for Manchester he was expecting some fights , he knew this pool was just a gift for some girl name Liza . 

''This time Eliot is really into some girl '' he thought .

There was third key too , for the pool and he entered the building with it . None was there ,it was empty . Everyone had left . He decided to have a look over pool . He opened the door , it was dark , there were glass windows in the ceiling and moonlight was glittering in the pool . A perfect romantic gift for any girl . 

The moon was full . Then he saw a creature in the pool stairs . it was covered in its golden hair , its locks were covering it like a net and they were shining like gold.He was still in his place , did not make any move . It looked like a woman , it had a beautiful face , its eyes were grey .but there was so much innocence in them like it knows no evil . it was looking at moon , and there were tears from from its eyes. it was looking at the moon . Was she just thrown from moon , he looked up , there was no glass broken , so was she just teleported from Moon ?It had so much sadness in its eyes that Nathan heart sank for it . Does it has any feathers ? he went behind it , with slow and and silent steps , he did not wanted to scare it or make it angry . 

It started collecting its lock and put them together in a braid .It did not had any feathers or a tail even but it had buttocks . Its skin was like milk and her hair were shining in the moon like gold on its body .It changed its posture and dipped its feet in water . 

''it was a girl , a normal girl''

Her nipples were pink like strawberries , she was now looking down . Nathan was not aroused , he was mesmerized .  She was not hot , ''HOT'' was not the right word for her , she was Beautiful .

He was in pretty awkward situation now , he knew cameras would have caught him , staring at this random employee of his company .He knew Eliot would love to exploit this chance , make him look like a fool , he could even drag him to courts until he agrees for some compensation .And if he knew Eliot , it could be the most expensive compensation of his entire life . he looked around but he did not saw anything , the best thing he could do to save himself was , leave the damn pool . He did immediately . 

He went straight administration office , to see if any camera was fitted in the pool . No, he was safe , but he saw same girl running like a maniac . ohh , he had scared her , she exit the building and looked back with very wide eyes ,he saw horror in her eyes . 

He went to record room and slept for few hours on the carpeted floor . When it was three in the morning he started what he really came for . He tried to search for something , anything that could put Eliot in problem . He searched in files , on computers , everything . But he could not found anything .

He searched desks but he did not find anything , except for one desk . it had a locked drawer , he broke its lock . it had some girl stuff , some tampons , some chocolates , a heart shaped key chain and a dairy . He opened it so he could find anything . The diary belonged to someone waiting for death , someone had a very sad life . He read few pages and he knew whom it belonged to belonged to that sad eyed creature ..............those sad grey eye's diary .He wondered if 

Eliot would come to know about it , did she noticed it ? He tried to re-think the whole event , a company's CEO stand their like a twelve year old and stared at an employee's nude body ...He kicked himself in head but it was not his fault , if he knew that she was some normal woman with breasts and legs and thighs , he would not have stayed there for a little second .He recalled how beautiful it was , does all girls look that beautiful in moonlight ? he thought .And why is so sad ? He never knew anyone this sad , people break for a while but then move on . But this girl was holding something bigger than her strength . What holds her little heart ? Those strawberry like nipples came to his mind again .

Then he heard Eliot entering the building . 

So what you guys think of the characters ? Are they intense ?or they are sweet ?

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