Samantha chose to leave

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Ten year old Eliot was running in the TV lounge  He was very excited .

''look mom , i found this cat in the woods ''

''it will die till the morning ''Nathan mocked him 

''no its not , i am going to take care of it and we will be friends ''

''cats dont have a longer life , they die easily ''

''i will take care of Sam''

''none names their cat 'sam' ''

''its a great name ''

''its a girl''

''ok , its name is Samantha ''

Nathan laughed 

''i will kill it anyway when you are not looking ''

''Nathan '' their mother interrupted .

Nathan did not hate the new found grey kitten , he loved it . it was so small and beautiful . He wanted to touch it but he knew Eliot would not let him . 

So he found a way to tease him.  Eliot would keep it with him all the time , he would take it to everywhere , He even manage to take it to school in his pocket .When he was not around Nathan would play with it . He loved the beautiful grey fur it had .

But kitten was really afraid of him , it would make so much noise that Nathan had to leave it . One day Nathan got an idea , he opened all the doors in their house , he knew kitten would leave its place and will be lost .Eliot would be considered irresponsible and then kitten will be given to Nathan who had more trust of their parents .

The plan was easy and simple . But when he opened the doors and kitten left , it was never found back . Eliot and Nathan searched for it everywhere . They checked every road and under every tree but they could not find it . Eliot wept and wept for many days . Guilt was cutting deep in Nathan's heart .

 Eliot swore that Nathan had killed it . Nathan swore he could not kill it . But Samantha had left them in grief .

When Eliot woke up in the morning , he saw ball room was cleaned .

''who cleaned it ?'' he asked a staff member 

''Mr. Nathan and Miss Liza ''

A wide smile spread on his face .He had found a new Samantha , but this time it was Nathan's and he was going to get hurt .really really bad .

I know its a small chapter but it has to be about kitten only 

As it has a very important role so it deserved a chapter of its own in the novel .

I need some time to write the next chapter as it has so much building up since chapter one

Now things need to resolve 

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