Chapter 20- The Abominable Bride Part 3

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Chapter 20- The Abominable Bride Part 3

"We've landed, sir. We've landed." Said the male flight attendant, slight shaking Sherlock by his shoulder.

"No, no, no, not now, not now." Sherlock said opening his eyes slowly. He stares wide eyed and shocked. "No, no, no, not now, not now." Sherlock says to himself still confused.

"I trust you had a pleasant flight, sir." Said the flight captain, and was a spitting image of Lady Carmichael.

"Well, a somewhat shorter exile than we'd imagined, brother mine, although adequate given your levels of OCD." Mycroft said, entering the plane with John, Mary, and Marie.

"I have to go back!" Sherlock breathed heavily, and stared up at Mycroft.


"I was... I was nearly there! I nearly had it!" Marie looked at Sherlock confused, but also trying to figure out in her head what he was talking about.

"What on earth are you talking about?" Mycroft asked turning towards Marie to see if she had any knowledge of what he was talking about. She simply just shrugged.

"Go back where? You didn't get very far." John asked also confused.

"Ricoletti and his Abominable wife! Don't you understand?" Sherlock exclaimed.

"No, of course we don't. You're not making any sense, Sherlock." Mary said, crossing her arms over her stomach.

"It's a case, a famous one from one hundred years ago." Marie and Sherlock said in unison. They gave each other a weird look. "Lodged in my hard drive. She seemed to be dead but then she came back." Sherlock now spoke on his own.

"What, like Moriarty?" John asked.

"Shot herself in the head, exactly like
Moriarty." Marie said, and then sitting down across from Sherlock so she was facing him.

"But you've only just been told. We've only just found out. He's on every TV in the country." Mary said.

"Yes? So? It's been five minutes since Mycroft called." Sherlock said unclipping his seatbelt, and then turning to Mycroft and Marie. "What progress have you made? What have you been doing?"

"More to the point, what have you been doing?" John said laughing briefly.

"I've been in my Mind Palace, of course..." Sherlock stated.

"Of course!" John crossed his arms frustrated.

"...running and experiment: how would I have solved the crime if I'd been there in 1895?" Sherlock looked dazed, and frustrated as he tried to concentrate but his brain was telling him to do otherwise.

"Oh Sherlock." Looking angry and disappointed, Mycroft turned away. Mary took Sherlocks phone from the said shelf as Marie stood up.

"I had all of the details perfect." Sherlock said as Mycroft sunk into the rear-facing seat on the other side of the aisle. He put both of his hands on the handle of his umbrella and lowers his chin to rest it on them. "I was there, all of it, everything! I was immersed." Sherlock said flailing his hands.

"Of course you were." Mycroft said lifting his head slightly, and gazing at nothing. Marie watched as Mary started looking through Sherlocks phone.

"There's no point, Mary. He does this all the time. He reads Johns blog- the story of how they met. It helps him if he sees himself through johns eyes.

"You really think anyone's believing you?" Mycroft said looking across at Sherlock.

"No, he can do this. We've seen it Mycroft. It's like a whole world in his head." Marie said looking at Mycroft.

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