Chapter 19- The Abominable Bride Part 2

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Chapter 19- The Abominable Bride Part 2

Marie, Sherlock, and John sat in the their armchairs, and an elegantly dressed woman sat across from them.

"Mr and Mrs Holmes, I've come here for advice." Lady Carmichael said.

"That is easily got." Marie said leaning against Sherlocks chair.

"And help."

"Not always so easy." Sherlock said, intertwining his hand and Marie's.

"Something has happened, Mr Holmes- something... Unusual and... Terrifying." Marie and Sherlock could see she was replaying memories in her head.

"Then you are in luck." Marie stood up, and crossed her hands behind her back. Lady Carmichael scoffed.

"Luck?" Marie and Sherlock turned to each other and smiled.

"Those are our specialisms. This is very promising." Marie and Sherlock dropped their smiles and then turned back to Mrs Carmichael.

"Please do tell us what has so distressed you." Marie crossed her arms, and studied the woman.

"I-I thought long and hard as to what to do, but then, er, it occurred to me that my husband was an acquaintance of your brother, and perhaps through him..." She trailed off, and Sherlock tilted his head at her.

"The fact is, I'm not sure this comes within your purview, Mr and Mrs Holmes." Marie furrowed her eye brows at the woman.


"Lord help me, I think it may be a matter for a priest." The Holmes, and Watson all exchanged looks.

Lady Carmichael explained her ordeal.

"Did you keep the envelope?"

"My husband destroyed it.." Watson frowned at her. "But it was blank. No name or address of any kind."

"Tell me, has Sir Eustace spent time in America?" Marie pondered over the situation as she spoke.


"Not even before your marriage?" Sherlock asked, thinking as well.

"Well, not to my knowledge."

"Hmm. Pray continue with your fascinating narrative." Sherlock steepled his hands in front of his mouth.

"Well that incident took place last Monday morning. It was two days later, on the Wednesday, that my husband first saw her."


Lady Carmichael once again told the trio of what had happened, and the woman that they she and her husband had witnessed.

"Yet you saw nothing?" Asked Marie, her eyes meeting with Sherlocks.


"Did your husband describe..." Sherlock trailed off.

"Nothing- until this morning."

She explained everything, and now Sherlock, Marie, and Watson were all contemplating all of it.

"Holmes?" Watson said.

"Hush, Watson." Marie said watching Sherlock, and she could tell that they were thinking the same thing.

"But Emelia Ricoletti, the bride!" Watson whispered to the pair.

"You know the name." Lady Carmichael stated.

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