Chapter 6- Takeaway

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The day had dragged on, slow and boring. The flat didnt have much to do, besides listening to Sherlock play his violin.

"Its almost 5, we should do something for dinner. Maybe takeaway?" Marie lay upside down on the couch, her dark auburn hair falling on the ground.

"Sounds like a plan, I'll call it in." John smiled at her, got up, and walked into the kitchen to order it in. Sherlock turned to her, and away from the window.

Sherlock was a rather complicated person, but if someone looked hard enough, they could see what was hidden behind his walls. Sherlock was just a man, a peculiar one at the least. Amazing, no brilliant intelligence. Sherlock tried to do what he thought was kind for people. Marie and even John could tell he was trying his best at times. He had a heart, just too many were ignorant to see it. Sherlock shows affection and kindness in ways that not many realise.

"Do you want to play something for me? My old favorite, maybe?" Sherlock gave her a small smile, and held out his violin for her. She smiled back, and got up from the couch, proceeding to take the violin. She placed the violin against her chin, and began to play Sherlock's favorite song, Four Seasons: Winter by Vivaldi.

Sherlock sat and watched Marie, studying her movements. She was so graceful, and so delicate. She carried herself in such a way, that made her seem, heartless, or knew nothing about human nature. But in fact, she knew too much. Sherlock, out of the two, had no idea about he should act around other humans he didnt know. He could tell she could feel his eyes on her. Sherlock knew that she didnt feel the same way, but he also didnt know what he felt for her. It was all so confusing for him. He still couldnt understand Marie. He couldnt deduce her, or even read her emotions very well.

Marie stopped playing, when Sherlock got up, and held the violin. She looked at him confused, and she could tell he was nervous.

"Marie, we need to talk." Beckham furrowed her eyebrows at him, worried.

"Is everything okay?" She looked up at him, and he turned away from, then back.

"Well, I dont know. Marie, I understand if you dont feel the same way. I could understand why you wouldnt, I mean I am an arrogant bastard. I dont know single thing about human nature, and I'm not a kind per-" Sherlock stopped as she put her hand gently on his cheek.

"No, youre not Sherly. I understand why you say that. But I dont think of you as that." Marie looked up at him, smiling. He furrowed his eyebrows, surprised at this sudden act of affection. Sherlock shook his head, and paced next to her.

"You are confusing, Marie. Oh so confusing. I cant understand a thing about you. What are you? A trick? A trap" Sherlock backed Marie into a corner, and was now towering over her.

"Im more scared of you than anything in my life, right now." Marie looked at him, with fear rushing through her eyes. Sherlock realised what he had done, and backed away from her. She slowly got back up, and walked fastly into her room.

Sherlock knew. Sherlock knew what was happening to him. Marie was driving him crazy. She literally was making him go insane, more than usual. He couldnt understand a single thing about her. He tried to read her over and over and over again. Sherlock threw the violin against the wall, breaking its neck.

He screamed in frustration, and he could hear something break in Marie's room. He walked down the hallway, and opened the door, slowly. He saw her, in a corner, her arms wrapped around her legs. Her legs shook, along with her arms. The small whimpers, got to Sherlock, and he made his way to her, shifting through the dark. He crouched down to her size, and put his hand softly on her arm. She jumped at his touch, and he quickly pulled away his hand, worried. She looked up at him, surprised.

Marie Beckham was confused, and interested. Sherlock would never do this for anyone. Go and check on them. Marie knows that they are still best friends regardless. She knows she has a special place in Sherlock's heart, otherwise he wouldnt be in her room right now.

"Marie, whats wrong?" He looked at her, and placed his hand back on her arm. He watched as she adjusted herself against the wall.

"Sherlock... Im just so confused. With all of this. I know you like me Sherlock. I just am worried that anything of that sort will get in the way of our friendship." She stood up, and started pacing.

"I understand what you are saying, Marie. And I respect if you dont feel the same wa-" Marie whipped around to face him.

"I never said that I didnt feel that way." Sherlock was taken aback by her words, and he looked at her, once again trying to read her. He was also disappointed again, when he failed at deducing her.

The pair turned around, when they heard John call for them.

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