Chapter 16- His Last Vow

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Marie and Sherlock had been married for about 3 months, and everything was going so well. Marie walked into the kitchen, starting up the kettle as she thought about Sherlock. He was out doing stuff for a case, and didn't tell her where he was going. Marie trusted Sherlock, but she worried about him. Constantly. She knew Sherlock better than anyone, and she knew his bad habits. She snapped out of her thoughts, when her phone began to ring.

"John? Why are you calling so early?" Marie asked as she answered the phone.

"Its about Sherlock." John said hesitantly.

"Is everything okay? Is he alright?" Marie said, worried, not the phone.

"You could say that. Just come down to Bart's."

"Okay. I'll be there soon. Tell Sherlock I love him." Marie quickly hung up the phone, and got dressed. She told Mrs. Hudson that she was going out, and then rushed to hail a cab.

It took the cab 10 minutes, and she raced out of the car and into the hospital. As she made her way to the room she thought they would be in, she started to worry.

What if he was hurt?

Did someone hurt him?

Marie blew off the thoughts, and entered the room. She saw John, Mary, Molly, Sherlock, and some hobo looking guy.

"Sherlock, love. Are you alright?" Marie walked over to him and studied his face. He had bags under his eyes, and he obviously needed to shave.

"Yes, dear. Im fine." he smiled sincerely at Marie, and put his hand on her cheek.

"Why did you John call me then? If he's fine..." Marie trailed off, a little confused of the situation at hand.

"He was doing cocaine and heroin with junkies in a run down building." John crossed his arms, defensively. Marie quickly turned around to Sherlock, and gave him a look of hurt.

"Sherlock.... Why didn't you tell me?" Marie looked up at him, and he looked annoyed at John.

"Its for a case." Marie expression lifted, and she became calm.

"Oh, well if it's for a case, than thats different." John scoffed at Marie's response.

"What case could justify this, Marie?" John gave her a serious look.

"An important one. Now lets take you home so you can wash up, Sherlock." She took her hand in his and walked out of the building, with no more worries.

Back at Baker st., Marie and Sherlock walked into Mycroft and Anderson doing a drugs bust.

"Well then Sherlock. Back on the source?" Mycroft said happily as he sat on the stairs in front of Sherlock and Marie. Sherlock rolled his eyes at the man and pushed him out of the way and upstairs only to see Anderson and a woman rummaging through his stuff.

"Anderson? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Its for your own good Sherlock. Now tell us where to look." Anderson said, ad Marie booed them out of the kitchen so she could make some tea.

"Who called Mycroft?" Sherlock wrapping himself up in his jacket and sitting in his chair.

"I did" John said as he entered through the door.

"Really John? Its only for a case." Marie crossed her arms at the war doctor.

"I don't believe its just for a case." Marie looked at him, shocked.

"You've got to be kidding me John. He your best friend. Why don't you trust him? You know. I don't want to hear it. Get out everyone." Marie slightly pushed Anderson and the other woman out of the flat.

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