Chapter 10- I Watched You

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It had been 2 years. Since he died.

At first, Marie couldn't live with herself. She never left the flat, and only stayed in his room. Thank god Mrs. Hudson had been there, otherwise Marie would have never ate.

Marie and John met at a cafe every Wednesday, and they still do. John had met the one. Only Marie knew about his plan to purpose to her, and she couldn't wait for the wedding.

But still, there was a part of her that was missing.

The curly haired man who had a brilliant mind, the man she grew up with, the man she loved.

Marie still thinks about him, every night before she goes to bed. Currently, Marie is living in Mycroft's house. He said he was touring Europe again, but that seem right.

Marie poured herself a cup of coffee, and sat on the expensive leather couch. A couple of minutes later, she lit a cigarette, and puffed the smoke.

"Those will kill you" Marie dropped her coffee mug, and turned around. There, stood the man, she loved, and who she thought was dead.

"Sher- Sherlock?" Marie started shaking, and she could feel tears prick in her eyes. Sherlock smiled at her, and walked towards her. She quickly pulled out her gun on him, and he gave her a confused look.

"What type of bloody trick is this? This is sick!" Marie wiped away the tear that fell from her cheek, and continued to point the gun at him.

"Marie, its me." Sherlock walked closer, and slowly pointed the gun at the ground, and took it from her. She stared blankly at him. She didn't know what to do.

"But.. You- you were dead! How- how..." Marie stammered, almost pulling her hair out. Sherlock took her hands in his, and stared into her blue eyes.

"I know. Just give me time to explain." Marie shook her head, now crying. Sherlock didn't have time to say anything, for she slapped him 2 times. He held his cheek, and she looked at him, now somewhat smiling.

"Oh. My god. I can't believe it. But I watched you-"

"I know. I know. Just come sit on the couch, and I'll tell you everything." Sherlock had noticed that she was wearing the locket he had given her, 2 years back, and smiled to himself. He took her hand, and sat her down on the couch.

"I had to fake my suicide, so could go and disable Moriarty's networks. If I had another way to do it, I would have. I was hoping that you wouldn't come at the time, so you didn't have to watch me do it. But it had to be part of the plan." Marie nodded her head, understanding what had to be done.

"I assume your parents, John, and even Mycroft knew?" Marie didn't mean to sound rude, but the way she explained what she was trying to ask made it seem that way.

"John doesn't know. Nor Mrs. Hudson. Im thinking of moving back to Baker street. Would you mind accompanying me?" Sherlock winked at her, and she smiled ear to ear. She crashed her lips into his, and cried at the same. Tears of joy, of course. She pulled away, and put her hand on his cheek. He smiled at her, and she ran to her room to grab her things.

Marie grabbed all of her clothes, but stopped when she came across a picture of her and Sherlock, that she had printed after everything. She shook her head, and left the dusty picture in the dark room. She skipped out of her room, and inter-looped her arm with Sherlock's.


The pair carefully snuck into the flat, and as soon as they entered, there was Mrs. Hudson, holding a pan she had been washing, defensively.

Marie was forced to cover her ears, when Mrs. Hudson screamed out of joy.

She ran over to Sherlock and gave him a long hug. To Marie's surprise, he hugged her back. He let go of her, and took Marie by the hand, leading her up the stairs. The flat, by now, was full of dust. As the door swung open, all you could see was a flourish of dust. The pair coughed, and Marie immediately called a one time maid. Everything was left as she left it.

"Wow." Sherlock said, as he was swept down the hallway, and into their room.

"I tried my best to keep it tidy." Marie said blushing, as she quickly made the bed. Sherlock studied everything in the room.

He noticed that there were his favorite books piled on the dresser, which meant that Marie was reading them. She left the window closed, due to her sleeping all day. Sherlock didn't know the toll that all of this had on Marie.

"I want to know how you did it." Marie said finishing the bed, and plopping down on it.

"I would rather not spea-"

"Really, Sherlock?" Marie looked at him, with hurt in her eyes. Sherlock shook his head, once again saying no.

"Alright, at least tell me why you didn't let me know you were alive. I mean, I never moved on Sherlock. I just couldn't. I stayed in this flat, in this room, in this bed for the five months. Thank god Mrs. Hudson was still here, otherwise I would have never ate anything." Sherlock looked into her eyes, and saw that they were starting to water. Sherlock quickly sat next to her, and put his arm around her.

"I didn't want the word to get out that I was still alive. It had to be kept secret." Marie furrowed her eyebrows at him, somewhat insulted.

"You don't trust me? I wouldn't go around saying Sherlock Holmes is alive! Spread the word! I went to your grave everyday. Every single day after I moved out. At one point, I even tried convincing myself that this wasn't real. That it was just a dream." Marie looked down at her feet, letting her auburn hair fall to her shoulders.

"If I could have, I would have told you, Marie. I love you. I didn't mean for it to happen this way." Marie shook her head, and got up from the bed, and walked towards the door.

"I don't know what to believe anymore."

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