Chapter 7- The Troll Doll

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Marie had woken up to the sound of Sherlock and John fighting. She stretched her legs and arms, and walked out the room, quietly.

John and Marie had gotten very close in the time that Marie had stayed with them, and it sounded like the pair were fighting about last night.

Marie walked into the living room, to see papers, along with books strown around. Sherlock and John both turned around to her quickly, and Marie gasped when she saw Sherlock covered in blood, holding his harpoon.

"Its not what it looks lik-" Sherlock frantically tried to explain himself.

"I know. That pig was a tough one, eh?" She walked past them and into the kitchen, starting to brew some tea. John looked at her confused, the blew it off.

"Hows the case going? Havent payed much attention to it, have you now Sherly?" Marie sat down in Sherlock's chair.

She watched as Sherlock walked over to couch, and laid upside down on it.

"Of course. I already figured it all out. I know you did too, Ms. Beckham." Marie smiled, along with Sherlock. John gave the pair a confused look.

"No, I didnt. Why dont one of you take us through it." Marie smiled at him, and then stood up, making more tea.

"The troll doll. Obviously a child's. I did my research, and the child, Annabelle Morsay, died 14 years ago. This was her clue; for her Sherlock to come and find. The doll was sentimental, very special to Annabelle. Never left her side. Was a gift from her late grandfather, given to her on his death bed. She had a whole collection of them, but there was only one more that she needed, hence the one her grandfather gave her. Someone didnt murder her, she was taken hostage by someone. A group of Americans looking for answers. Annabelle knew something, otherwise they wouldnt be after her. She got a hold of their plans. Their plans to set up a secret military base, no, more like a lab if you will. Baskerville, they called it." Johns eye widened at the name, due to them encountering Baskerville on a case.

"Although, they had just been hitting the surface with this news, for Baskerville had been there much longer. How did she get ahold of this information you ask? Her grandfather was a gene manipulator, and had given the information to her for the future. They knew that the americans were coming for her, so he prepared her. The americans took her, holding her hostage, and finally getting the answers out of her. Disposed of her afterwards. She had placed the troll doll, addressed to Sherlock, knowing he would find it. Oh, and Annabelle knew Sherlock. Extended family, she knew that he would solve it and find out everything about Baskerville. The Hounds of Baskerville, you called it John. You lot would expose Baskerville, shutting it down. But there was something else. A small puzzle piece everybody forgot about. The americans. Who were they? Why did they just let the news of Baskerville skim the surface? No one knew, until now."

Marie turned to Sherlock, resting her breath from her rambling. Sherlock tried to deduce her again, but as always, couldnt.

"The americans were working for the Queen. She didnt want the news of Baskerville hitting the papers just yet, so she ordered for Annabelle to be kept hostage, until they extracted the information out of her. But, the americans did what she said not to, and killed her after. In return, the Queen had them executed." Sherlock smiled at the achievement, and started to play his violin.

"Wow, you should just have her your personal assistant. The pair of you would finish five murders in one day. Maybe more." John teased, and winked at Marie.

"Would you like some tea, Sherly?" Marie asked as she deduced Sherlock.

Sherlock hadn't slept all night, like usual. He had bags under his eyes, because he had been thinking hard. He knew he couldnt play his violin, because it would wake up her and John. Which led to him pacing, and she noticed that by the creases in his shirt.

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