Chapter 14- The Sign of Three

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It was the big day. Mrs. Hudson smiled as she brought Sherlock and Marie's morning tea up to their part of the flat. She opened the door balancing the tray, to see Marie and Sherlock waltzing.

"Oh! Good morning!" Marie and Sherlock were startled, and Sherlock shut off the music, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Thanks for the tea, Mrs. Hudson." Marie smiled at the woman, and watched as she sat in Johns chair.

"So its the big day then?!" Both Marie and Sherlock looked at each other, then Mrs. Hudson confused.

"What big day?" Sherlock said, taking a sip of the freshly brewed tea.

"The wedding! John and Mary are getting married!" Marie rolled her eyes.

"Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday and then carry on living together. Whats big about that?" Marie could tell in Sherlocks tone that he was nervous, and she could also tell that he didn't actually feel that way about weddings. Marie felt that way, but there was a sliver inside her mind that understood the concept of weddings.

"It changes people, marriage." Sherlock and Marie both rolled their eyes.

"Mmm. No it doesn't." Marie added two sugars to her tea, and a splash of cold milk. The way she used to have it as a kid.

"Well, you wouldn't understand because you aren't or weren't married." Sherlock was about to take a sip of his tea, then stopped at the end of Mrs. Hudson words.

"Your husband was executed for double murder. You're hardly an advert for companionship." Marie shook her head, and Sherlock now too the sip from his tea.

"Marriage changes you as a person, in ways you can't imagine."

"As does a lethal injection." Marie smiled sarcastically then took a sip from her tea.

"Don't you have things to do Mrs. Hudson? there aren't any biscuits. Why don't you go down to the shop on the corner." Sherlock said walking into the kitchen and starting to play with his science equipment.

"No, not really."

"Biscuits!" Sherlock lowly yelled, and Mrs. Hudson went flying out of the room.

Both Marie and Sherlock walked into their room, and started to get dressed. Marie's dress was a high low, and a darkish purple.

Marie's dress:

She slipped it on, and turned around, knowing that Sherlock was watching her.

"Does it look okay?" Marie asked self conscious.

"You are the most beautiful thing ever, you know that right?" He wrapped one arm around her waist, and one was placed on her cheek. Marie blushed, but didn't reply. Marie didn't know how to reply to that stuff, and had no idea what to say. he kissed her softly, then continued to put on his suit. Marie walked over to her dressing table, and began her makeup and hair.

One hour later, Marie had crown braided her hair, and done her makeup to perfection. She walked out into the living, her dress flowing behind her. Sherlock looked up at her from his laptop, and she could see his pupils dilate.

"You ready to go, love?" Marie said as she slipped on her white heels.

"Umm. Oh yeah, um yeah. Ready," Sherlock stammered over his words, mesmerized by her beauty. She smiled ear to ear, knowing what he was thinking.

She looped her arm around his, and the pair were off to the wedding.


The church bells rang as John, Mary, Sherlock and Marie emerged first from the double doors. Marie quickly deduced the photographer, as they walked in front of him.

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