Chapter 5- Pleasure

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Lunch was..... Interesting. It ended as it always did. With a fight. The two had known each other for so long now, that they fought more and more each day. It had been two weeks, and those two weeks had been filled with Sherlock trying to figure out his regained feelings for Marie, and Marie rejecting him. Sherlock had never done this before, so each time they had gone out to eat, it had gotten worse.

Marie walked out of her room, later this time, due to her staying up half of the night. She stare at her ceiling all night, contemplating Sherlock, and his interesting attitude.

She tripped over a book, stumbling, and then running into someone. The smell was familiar, yet different. She looked up to see Sherlock's green eyes, and she almost pushed herself off of him, startled.

"You okay?" He furrowed his eyebrows at her, and he gave her a confused look. She backed away a bit, almost stepping on another book. Sherlock grabbed her wrist, before she could walk over another. He pulled her away from it, and she took her wrist out of his, and looked at him, somewhat scowling. He looked at her hurt, and she walked into the kitchen, stepping over the books cautiously.

Sherlock watched her walk away from him, once more, even if it was only to the kitchen. He was confused, yes. But he only helped her from falling. He would have done it anyway. He understood why, in ways, that she has been acting.

Sherlock has been, trying, and trying again. He didnt know how to act really, and was confused about the whole ordeal.

Sherlock quickly glanced over at Marie, who sat at the dinner table now, sipping her tea. His eyes quickly averted away from her when their eyes met. Sherlock walked over to his desk, and sat down, continuing with the case. He hadnt gotten that far on this case, and he wanted to get it over with.

Holmes heard Marie get up from her seat, and sit in the chair across from him. Sherlock could feel her eyes on him, and he tried to ignore it as much as possible. He quickly looked at her, and then did a double take, as she outstretched her arm, and handed him another clue. He sighed, and opened the small bag. Inside, it contained a piece of chipped off wood.

"I got this for you. This case has been dragging on, so I figured when I was out yesterday, that I might look around." She leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she looked at him. He nodded, and she rolled her eyes, then walked into the kitchen and grabbed something from the fridge. She walked back with an iced coffee she had made yesterday. She could feel Sherlock watching her, so she was selective in her steps. She smirked at him, teasingly, as she sat in his chair, and she could hear him sigh.

"Play for me, Sherly. I need to think." Sherlock looked at her confused. Confused unto whether or not he should listen to her. He knows Marie, and he knows that doing so, would show her what type of power she had over him.

It was true though. She did have some type of affect on him. Its was like a 'heal boy' type of relationship between the pair now, and they both knew it.

"You do not tell me what to do, Beckham." Sherlock sat in his thinking position now, with his lanky fingers pressed against his chin.

"Oh really? Do it. Now. You need to think just as much as I do." Sherlock scoffed, and stood, walking over to his violin, and picking it up.

Marie smiled, satisfied, when her favorite song came from the complicated instrument. She looked back at Sherlock and smiled at him, cheerfully. To her surprise, Sherlock smiled back at her.

It had been 20 minutes of Sherlock's playing, and John had came and sat down 10 minutes ago, studying the pair. Marie sat with her legs over one side of the chair, and stared up at the ceiling, thinking.

"Oh my god! Thats it!" Marie quickly jumped up, startling the other two. Sherlock stood up as well, as he watched Marie run into room. He shook his head at the woman, knowing that they ought to go on an adventure. He threw his robe at john, and put on his dress jacket, then his scarf, and lastly his Milford coat. Just a couple of minutes later, Marie came out of her room, dolled up in her pencil skirt, along with her usual jacket. She was studied by Sherlock as she slipped on her black heels, and rushed out of the flat, with Sherlock and John close behind.

Marie hailed a cab, and the three squeezed in the back seat. Marie had a mischievous smirk on her face, as they got in, and Sherlock kept giving her weird looks. Thank god Beckham didnt notice, otherwise she would have slapped him by now. Marie told the cabby the address, and promised to pay extra is he could get them there in 5 minutes or less. The cab sped through the traffic, and they trio held on for dear life.

Once arrived at the destination, Marie rushed in and made her way to Donovan and Lestrade's desk. Before they rushed out she grabbed the papers she had written up, and put them in her bag.

"Who the hell are- Oh. Hello Sherlock." Lestrade was about to send her out, but stopped as soon as he saw Sherlock and John appear behind her.

"Im Marie. An old.. Friend of Sherlock's. We've, well I have been, working on this case. I have found out what happened." She handed the papers to Lestrade, as his eyebrows raised as she said friend.

She watched as Lestrade, including Donovan, read the piles of papers and notes she had taken.

"These are incredibly.. detailed. How did you find this all out. Who the killer was an everything?" Marie smirked, and pointed out the part of a document that he hadnt already read. He nodded at her, and she smiled back at Sherlock.

"How do we even know that this is the truth? She may just be lying to us." The man who she believed to be Anderson, telling by Sherlock's body language, appeared from a cubicle, and walked over to the pair. Marie, along with Sherlock turned to face the accuser, and both scoffed.

Andersons eyes widened, when he set his eyes on Marie. She rolled her eyes, and turned away from him, and focusing her attention on the Detective Inspectors.

"No." Marie said bluntly, and she could feel Anderson's confusion.

"Im sorry, what?" He was obviously confused, yet a bit surprised, in which she deduced from his tone.

"I will not go out for a drink or dinner or whatever, with you. I have bigger priorities." She heard Sherlock snicker, as Anderson blushed and walked out of the room, embarrassed.

They discussed everything, including the history between Holmes and Beckham. That took about 20 minutes out of their time, in which they could be spending on actually finding the location of the killer.

"We must be going now.. Its been a..." Marie turned to John nervously, looking for a word. John mouthed pleasure, and she nodded.

"Pleasure." She nodded and walked out of the building with John and Sherlock, smiling.

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