Chapter 13- The Empty Hearse

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"Turns out we have to push back the case for later, love. Mycroft is visiting." Marie rolled her eyes, not rally in the mood put up with the boys bickering.

30 minutes later, Marie was reading the papers, and Sherlock was resting his head on Marie's lap while she played with his hair. Mycroft walked in, and the pair turned to him.

"Hello, Mycroft." Marie sounded annoyed by his presence.

"Why hello, dear, Sherlock." Mycroft nodded at Sherlock, and he rolled his eyes. Sherlock quickly jumped up, which startled Marie.

20 minutes later, the boys sat playing board games, and Marie sat on the couch upside down.

"All very interesting, Sherlock, but the terror alert has been raised to Critical." Marie deduced the boys as they played chess, and figured out what they were going to move next.

"Boring. Your move."

"We have solid information. An attack is coming." Mycroft was trying to work on Sherlock, but it wasn't working.

"Solid information? A secret terrorist organizations planning an attack- thats what secret terrorist organizations do, isn't it? Its their version of golf." Marie laughed a bit to herself, and he smiled shortly at her, then turned back to Mycroft.

"An agent gave his life to tell us that." Marie could tell that Mycroft was tarting to also get annoyed.

"Oh, well, perhaps he shouldn't have done that. He was obviously just trying to show off." Sherlock scoffed, and Marie rolled her eyes.

"None of these markers of yours is behaving in any way suspiciously?" Mycroft looks down again, making his next move on the chess board.

"No, Mycroft, but you have to trust me. I'll find the answer. It'll be an odd phrase in an online blog, or an unexpected trip to the countryside, or a misplaced Lonely Hearts add." Sherlock moved his piece, accordingly to Marie's thoughts.

"Ive given the Prime Minister my assurance that you're on the case."

"I am on the case. We're both on the case. Look at us right now." He winked at Marie, then once again turned back to Mycroft. Marie laughed when Mycroft wasn't paying attention, and 'accidentally' knocked down down some of the pieces.

"Oopsy!" Sherlock teased, getting a look out of him.

"Don't be smart." Mycroft scolded.

"That takes me back. 'Don't be smart, Sherlock. Im the smart one'" Sherlock said in a little boy voice.

Throughout the rest of the day, Sherlock and Marie had solved some very simple cases about bank accounts, pen pals, and skeleton mysteries.

"I know a good fish and chips place down the road, do you want to go, Mrs.Detective?" Sherlock held Marie by her waist, and started to flirt with Marie, which was a rare sight.

"Of course, Mr.Detective." He pecked her on the lips, and took her by the hand, and led her out of the abandoned building.

The pair picked up their fish and chips, then made their way back to 221B.

"After we are done eating, I have to go 'out'" Sherlock said turning to Marie.

"Where do you need to go, love? Am I not invited?" Marie teased, getting a smile out of Sherlock.

"Im just going to get more clothes. Well, more like new equipment. It would bore you." Sherlock finished his food, and started to get his jacket on. Marie stood up and walked over to the detective.

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