Chapter 4- Nerves

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Marie woke up in her bed, although she didnt remember going there last night. She sat up groggily, and outstretched her arms. She got up, and noticed that she was still wearing her clothes from last night. She shakily walked over to her dresser, and pulled out her pajama shorts, and her favorite Nirvana t-shirt. She slipped her clothes on tiredly, and walked out of her room, rubbing her eyes. She walked into the living room, to see Sherlock with his dark red robe, and starting to play his violin.

She noticed that he didnt go to bed last night, due to him wearing the same pants and the same shirt. Not to mention he had bags under his eyes, but only ones that someone with her skill set could identify. She walked past him, and smiled at John, as he handed her a cup of freshly brewed tea. She sat down in Sherlock's seat, and let her wavy hair fall over the back of the chair.

"I brought you home last night. We went to a few pubs after dinner. And as you can imagine.." Sherlock turned to her, and set down his violin. She looked at him, curiously, and he exchanged the look.

"Why did you bring me back home Sherly? I could have handled myself, you know. I have spent 14 years without your help." Sherlock looked taken back by her words, and John sent her an interesting look. Marie stood, facing Sherlock.

"Its not my falt, Marie, that you were almost killing yourself by walking in the middle of the street. I wasnt just going to let you kill yourself." Marie shook her head at him, frustrated.

"You know, I thought you might have changed, Sherlock. Thats why I came here. I want my bestfriend back. I thought you might have come to your senses about Sherrinford's death. " She started raising her voice, but John didnt leave, due to the amusement he was about to watch happen.

"What do you mean, change Marie?" Sherlock did the same, and walked past her, brushing his shoulder with hers, and walking over to the wall, in which he had a map, and a few pictures of suspects.

"Sherlock. I am just as clever and enigmatic as you are. I was stupid, and I knew that you liked me. I had all of the signs." Sherlock whipped around to face her quickly, and then John and Marie both noticed the red rising to Sherlock's cheeks. John snickered, and walked out of the room. Marie shook her head, angrily.

"I dont doubt you one bit, Marie. Youre amazing. No, fantastic. But theres one thing that keeps getting one my nerves. One of my biggest problems right now." Sherlock walked over to her, studying her every movement.

"And what would that be, Mr. Holmes?" She walked over to him, until there faces were 1 foot away from each other. She looked him in his green eyes, and he looked at her, as though he was trying to contemplate her meaning.

"I dont understand a single thing about you." She squinted her eyes at him, confused, and she was surprised at what came next. She felt Sherlock's lips on her, and his hand reach her cheek.

She pulled away startled, and confused. Sherlock stumbled back when Marie hand came in contact with his cheek.

"You cant just bloody kiss me whenever you wish, Sherlock!" Sherlock looked at her with hurt, as she stormed out of the room, and into hers.

John was almost crying, due to how much he was laughing when he entered the living room to see Sherlock holding his cheek.

"You are really bad at this stuff, you know." Sherlock threw the mug next to him, against the wall. The shards of the glass landed in the same spot as the day previous. Sherlock paced the room, and he was starting to get tired of John snickering and scoffing, as he mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, Marie was laying on her bed, her auburn hair spread out around her.

Had Sherlock really just kissed her?

She was frustrated, emotionally. She was frustrated at the fact, that 14 years ago, Sherlock left her alone, in the dark. And now? Now he wants her back as his girlfriend. She was mad.




She didnt even know how to describe her feeling, even with her mass vocabulary. She heard a knock on her door, along with Sherlock's voice, but she decided to ignore it. She grabbed her Ipod from the bedside table, and played her pissed off playlist. It was about another 10-15 minutes before Sherlock actually came in, uninvited. She turned away from him, so her back was facing him as she lay on her bed.

"Marie. I had no intentions for that to happen. I dont want to ruin the friendship we have." She turned to face him, quickly, with a confused and hurt look on her face.

"You could just say youre sorry, and the take me out to lunch." She scoffed, and she felt the hurt and confused feeling Sherlock was putting off.

"Marie Beckham, I am truly sorry. I would like to take you out to lunch today." She looked at him, with surprise on her face.

"You know, I never have heard you say sorry in such a true way. And yes, I will go out to lunch with you, Sherly." He smiled at his triumph, and walked out the room, softly closing the door.

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