The Road So Far.

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(A/N: to be honest with you, not a lot of effort was made in this chapter so it's probably not that great, but it, and the next ~approximately~ two chapters are just to get us to where we need to go. I'd also like to say, if you've made it this far, and not given up on this book, thank you and bless you. )

The trio trudged along a dusty dirt road, leading to seemingly nowhere

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The trio trudged along a dusty dirt road, leading to seemingly nowhere. Carl strode on ahead of the other two, brooding and angry about the whole ordeal. Lara kept a strong hold around Rick's waist, as his anchor, to keep him upright. He still grunted and panted as he clutched his side, where the wound had just recently stopped bleeding. His right arm was secure around Lara's shoulders as they walked side by side on the path.

Lara couldn't help but notice his awkwardly long stares toward her. She would catch him every so often, looking at her as if she weren't even real. He looked at her like if he were to blink, she would vanish into thin air. Every time she had looked at him, he looked away, his eyes blinking rapidly, as if he were trying to clear his disbelieving train of thought.

It had been at least two hours, and Carl was still ahead of the pair, with Fergus trotting along beside him for company. Lara wanted so desperately to say something, but she couldn't find her voice, or words coherent enough to string together a decent sentence.

"You came back..." Rick grunted out, mid step, when he had finally found the energy available to speak to her.

Lara's gaze swept up to meet his. They maintained eye contact for a moment, before she offered him a bleak smile and a tiny nod, and looked ahead of her. She could still feel his gaze burning her skin.

After a minute he looked away, to his son, who had begun to gain distance from them.

"Carl, slow down." He ordered, his voice hoarse as he sped up, letting go of his vice like grip on Lara, to catch up with the boy.

"Carl, stop! We need to stay together." He quietly shouted, as Carl finally complied with his fathers instructions. Lara clicked her fingers twice and the dog turned around and stood at her side.

"We got to find a place with food, supplies." He says, coming to a stop beside his son. He looked down drearily at the ground, breathing heavily in exhaustion. It was clear to see that he was running on fumes.

"Hey..." He began, resting a hand on Carl's shoulder. Carl slowly turned to look up at his father with venom in his eyes.

"We're gonna be..." Rick stopped, losing his words in his sons harsh glare. He nodded, and watched Carl turn back to the road and begin walking again.

Lara sighed, approaching Rick, and placing a hand on his shoulder, watching his anguished expression as it fell onto her. He looked hopeless. They had lost everything and everyone, whoever they had.

Both Eyes Open - Daryl Dixon (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now