Slipped through.

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After a long while of driving and awkwardly reading the map at an angle on the dash as she drove, she pulled over the side of the road, where there wasn't a soul, alive or undead in sight, and she pulled the map closer to her. Using her finger to follow the trail, she followed the directions in a few short lines, before stopping at the CDC. With a triumphant smile, she folded the map up and tucked it back inside her jacket, repositioning herself behind the wheel, before noticing a loud rumble and the RV flying past her.

She shrunk down into her as seat she watched the handful of cars fly up the road at an immense speed, before she pulled out after them, following them quickly without headlights, keeping a distance but not loosing sight of them, for fear of being left again, even if they didn't technically leave her the first time anyways.

After only a few minutes more, as the sun was dying fast, everyone slowed down, and she parked a little bit away facing the direction from which they had come, in case she needed a getaway car. Grabbing all of her gear, she made her way quickly and quietly around the group, weaving around the hundreds of dead corpses, going unnoticed, by both the group and a few wobbling deceased they hadn't yet spotted.

She observed from behind a small cement roadblock as the group approached the closed shutters looking confused at each other.

"Nothing? Shane asked, before pounding on door.

T-Dog sighed, shoulder slumping, "There's nobody here."

"Then why are these shutters down?" The Sheriff asked frowning expectantly.

"Walkers!" Redneck yelled, before shooting the walker in the head.

"You led us into a graveyard!" He sniped at the Sheriff.

"He made a call." Shane told him calmly.

"It was the wrong damn call!" Redneck shouted accusingly.

"Shut up. Just shut up! -Rick, this is a dead end." Shane whispered roughly.

Lori looked around the group and told the Sheriff, "We can't be here, this close to the city after dark."

"Fort Benning, Rick... Still an option." Shane said to the Sheriff, Rick apparently.

"On what? No food, no fuel. That's 100 miles." The blond woman retorted, shuffling on the spot angrily.

"125. I checked the map." Glenn corrected her.

She watched on sadly as the group squabbled about what to do before Shane started instructing everyone back to the cars, even convincing Rick to back up, until something caught his eye. She squinted trying to see what he saw.

"The camera... it moved." He claimed, pointing at the little device and walking towards it.

Shane shook his head, "You imagined it."

"It moved. It moved." Rick insisted, advancing toward the door determinedly.

Shane kept pleading with his friend, getting angrier and angrier as the sun vanished, and the noise started getting to much. "Man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick."

Rick ignored him, slamming on the shutters, making her flinch from her hiding spot.

"Rick, there's nobody here!" Lori yelled.

"I know you're in there." Rick started, staring into the lense of the security camera, "I know you can hear me. Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left." He began begging the camera, as Lori and Shane started grabbing and pulling him back.

She moved in her position, watching as some made their way slowly to the cars, but the struggle at the doors persisted, she couldn't help but wonder, Is there actually someone in there? Why wouldn't they open the door? Should she just get up and leave?

"We have nowhere else to go." He yelled, pounding on the door. "Keep your eyes open. If you don't let us in, you're killing us! Please!" He screamed with intense ferocity.

Shane wrapped his arm round him trying to pull him back, "Come on, buddy, let's go. Let's go." She was starting to agree with Shane, she couldn't help it. The place seemed desolate except for the diseased and the corpses, it seemed like a long trip for nothing in the end, just too much of a risk.

"Please help us. You're killing us! You're killing us! You're killing us!" He bellowed. The girl slowly and defeatedly got up from her hiding spot and began creeping her way to the jeep as sneakily as she could, before the door to the CDC opened, drowning all the survivors in light, and everyone made a rush for it.

She stood in amazement, not quite believing her eyes, and not quite sure of what she was supposed to do, until she saw Glenn and T-Dog run out for bags, and as they made their way back the the building, she made a run for the doors too.

"Who's she?!" She heard Glenn yell, but she ignored it.

"Doesn't matter! Come on! Come on!" Shane started yelling as his friends made the door.

"You too -haul ass!" He yelled at her as the shutters started to lower again.

Panic set in her eyes and her feet carried her quicker than she had ever moved before, motivated by the yells of encouragement from the group as she fell to the linoleum floor, sliding and rolling rather roughly under the shutters just in time, slumped over on her stomach in the foyer of the huge building, all eyes watching her.

Both Eyes Open - Daryl Dixon (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now