Chapter 60

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*Hi guys! So, I took all of your absolutely wonderful suggestions into consideration and I am doing a flashback chapter to about a month ago to where Klaus and Penelope spend the day with their girls, around the time when P came back home! So I really hope that you guys enjoy! Love you guys! Xo!*

I wake up to Klaus stroking my arm gently with his fingertips, my head nuzzled into him as his arm is around me, his cold hands caressing the exposed skin on my arms. I let out a little hum and flutter my eyes up at him.

"Good Morning." I say to him with a little smile on my face.

"Good Morning, love." Klaus says as he presses a soft kiss to my head. I let out a happy exhale and roll away from him, back onto my side of the bed.

"Did you sleep well?" I ask him curiously as I lay on my stomach and push the curls out of my face.

"Very well with you next to me, even though you have troubles staying on your side." Klaus teases me as he rolls on his side to look at me.

"Shut up, you love it." I say with a little laugh as I look at him with a beaming smile on my face. Klaus smiles and leans in, pecking my lips gently. I smile against his lips. He pulls away and looks at me, pushing a stray curl out of my face.

"Perfection." He mutters, looking at me mesmerized. I blush at him and lean in, kissing his lips again.

"Are we still taking the girls to the beach today?" I ask him curiously as I smile at him, child like.

"Yes, I cleared my schedule and today I'm going to do nothing but spend some quality time with my adorable daughters and my beautiful wife." Klaus says as he takes my chin and pecks my lips again. I pull away and smile at him.

"Good, because you wouldn't have gotten any loving tonight if you didn't take us to the beach." I tease him as I hop out of bed and pull on a pair of shorts. Klaus laughs and leans back in bed, looking up at the ceiling. I prance out of his bedroom with his shirt clinging to me and I walk down the hall to Hope's room. She is awake in her crib and bouncing up and down happily.

"Good Morning lovey!" I say to her as I quickly pick her up out of her crib and place a kiss on her head. "Now go bug Aunty Freya or Aunty Hayley!" I say rushing her along to go wake up one of the other adults. I then walk out of the room and travel down to the nursery to see if Faith is awake. When I enter the room a wave of this awful scent hits me. I realize that it's this overwhelming scent of poop and it makes me scrunch up my nose in disgust.

"Oh my God!" I say in an extremely disgusted voice. I walk over and see Faith smiling up at me in her crib but when I see her laying there in her diaper I feel disgusted. Her thighs and her hips are just covered in poop, her sheets and blankets are just covered in it, making me want to vomit.

"Oh my God, oh my god, oh my god." I say as I pick her up by her armpits and I see poop covering her back as well. I literally feel as though I could throw up right on the spot. Hope had never done this, no kid I have ever known has ever done this. Hope just looks at me and gurgles happily, acting like literally nothing is happening.

"KLAUS!" I shriek as I look at my baby covered in poop. Within a few seconds Klaus is at the door, looking worried by my shriek.

"Is everything alright?" He asks me concerned. I turn around and show him Faith.

"Klaus, oh my God there is shit everywhere. Oh my god, I'm gonna throw up." I say as I feel my gag reflex in my throat. Klaus looks at are baby that is covered in poop and then looks at me.

"I'm not really sure why you called me here.." Klaus says confused. I look at him frantically.

"Our baby is covered in shit. Oh my God I might puke. I literally might puke." I say as I look at Faith who has no idea what's going on. "You're going to have to change her. Oh my god, I can't. It's everywhere." I say as I walk over to him holding Faith out to him. He scrunches his nose up at the horrid smell.

Losing Hope (Sequel to Little Wolf (a VD and TO story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora