Chapter 18

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"Will you please tell me why you dragged me all the way to the bayou? You know how I don't do very well out here in the swamp" I whine to Hayley as she continues to pull me along to the shack.

"Well, Jack and I have been working on something for a little bit and we wanted to show you" Hayley says as Jackson comes out of the shack onto the porch.

"Alright.." I say skeptically with a little laugh.

"So, when you were pregnant, Hayley and I wanted to do something really nice for you.." Jackson says with a smile on his face.

"But, we thought that Hope had passed so we didn't get a chance to finish it... But now that she's alive.." Hayley says as Jackson pulls the tarp off of a crib that is in pieces. It is a really nice crib and it has a crescent moon on it.

"I just have to put it together... But P, this is for your little girl.." Jackson says as he wraps his arm around Hayley.

"Thank you guys so much..." I say as I hug both of them tightly.

"It's the least we could do" Hayley says as she places a friendly kiss on my cheek.

"But, now that we got that out of the way, Hayley and I have been getting word that a few outside packs of Louisiana want to be here for your wedding!" Jackson tells me excitedly.

"But I thought that it would only affect my pack?" I question curiously.

"Not unless they recognize you as their alpha, then Klaus's power becomes their power" Jackson explains to me. "They want to be free of their curse, and they are going to do whatever it takes, and soon, you will have an army of wolves to protect your little girl" Jackson smiles at me.

"The ritual will be taking place at Mary's, are you coming?" Hayley asks me curiously. I can sense that something isn't right, we are being watched.

"Yeah, you two go right ahead. I'll meet you there.." I say rushing them along. They nod and go off into the woods. I speed towards the stalker and see that it is Marcel. "Why are you following me?" I growl at him defensively.

"Hey! P, I'm not here to hurt you" Marcel says with his hands up in defense.

"Well, being a creepy stalker makes me think otherwise. You are lucky that you and I are friends because I was about two seconds away from killing you" I say as I feel my adrenaline going down.

"Well, then remember our friendship when I tell you why I'm here. Finn sent me to get your blood" Marcel admits to me. I look at him confused.

"What the hell does Finn want with my blood?"

"I assume he needs it for a locator spell... to find your daughter.." Marcel says to me truthfully. My heart sinks and I just look at him stunned.

"No.. No.. This can't be happening... How does he know?" I ask frantically.

"I guess he put two and two together.."

"Where is he now? I swear to God I will kill him Marcel! I won't even think twice about it either.." I say as I raise my voice.

"I have no idea where he is, he only gave me an address so I could meet him later. But I need to bring him back something, if I don't he will kill one of my guys every hour" Marcel says trying to keep his tone steady.

"Alright... Okay.. Let me call Klaus.." I say as I pull out my phone. I quickly dial Klaus and he picks up on the second ring.

"Penelope, what do I owe the honor?" Klaus asks me over the phone.

"Finn knows that Hope is alive. He is trying to get my blood for a locator spell, I assume that he will be coming for yours too" I say to him frantically.

Losing Hope (Sequel to Little Wolf (a VD and TO story)Where stories live. Discover now