Chapter 52

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*2 weeks later*
Hayley's P.O.V.
"Shhh baby girl it's okay..." I say trying to calm Hope down as she screams in my ear crying. I bounce her gently but nothing seems to calm her. Suddenly I hear slamming and thuds coming from Klaus's study. I let out an annoyed sigh and place Hope in her crib. "Aunty Hayley will be right back baby girl..." I say as I walk out of her room and stomp down to Klaus's study.

When I peek my head in I see Klaus looking through things and pulling books off the shelf. "Hey! Are you insane? Have you not heard your daughter's screaming? I've been trying to get her down and your banging isn't helping!" I say to Klaus angrily as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Oh I'm sorry! But the thing I'm looking for is very important to mine and my siblings survival!" Klaus says back to me angrily.

"What are you looking for?" I ask him as I begin to look around.

"A wooden knight that I carved for Rebekah when we were children..." Klaus says as he continues to pull things off of the shelves.

"Hope's toy? I've been looking for that thing for the past week, it's been missing and it's the only toy that calms her..." I say as I begin to look through a box. Klaus turns around and peers his eyes at me.

"You mean to tell me that it has been missing for a week?" Klaus asks me upset. I look at him like he's crazy.

"Yes... I've been looking for it everywhere since it went missing." I say as I push my hair from my face. Klaus let's out a deep sigh. Suddenly Hope's screaming grows louder and I let out a sigh as well. "She's getting worse, Klaus... She knows her mom is gone and she misses her..." I say as I keep my arms crossed over my chest.

"It pains me that Hope is upset! But I miss her mother too. So, I'll add it to the long list of grievances I'm already tallying. But for right now, I need to find that knight..." Klaus says as he continues to look everywhere. I roll my eyes and begin to walk out, but before I turn around and look at him.

"Just try and keep it down, please..."


Penelope's P.O.V.
"Hey Hayley, I know that I'm catching your voice mail, but I wanted to call you and tell you I found Hope's knight, it was under Marcel's couch from her last visit here. I know she has problems sleeping without it so give me a call and you can come by and get it. Love you, bye." I leave a voicemail in Hayley's mailbox. I can't believe it's been three weeks since I've seen Klaus, I think about him often. I usually just go to our safe place and admire his paintings, it takes my mind off of everything else like Jackson and Elena when I'm there.

I go over and look into Marcel's mirror and set down Hope's night on the table in front of it. I look in the mirror and fix my short curls and apply some chap stick. I look down at the bottle  of bourbon on the table. I grab it and walk over to Marcel's freezer, grabbing a glass and a few ice cubes. I bring it over to the coffee table and place the glass down and pour the bourbon into there. Suddenly I hear unfamiliar footsteps enter the room. I sip the bourbon and act cool for a second, but the minute I set the bourbon down I grab a knife that was sitting on the coffee table and turn around, throwing it at the person. The person catches it, and of course, that person happens to be Cami.

"You almost got me there!" She laughs as she throws the knife back at me. I catch it and let out a sigh.

"Don't sneak up on me like that." I say as I set the knife back down onto the coffee table. She laughs and walks further into Marcel's loft. "What are you doing here?" I ask her curiously.

"Well, you have something that I want..." Cami smiles cunningly, I look at her curiously. She looks a few feet in front of her and sees Hope's knight sitting on the table in front of the mirror. "And it's right there." She smiles as she begins to walk towards it. I become suspicious of her actions and speed in front of the table, grabbing the small toy.

Losing Hope (Sequel to Little Wolf (a VD and TO story)Where stories live. Discover now