Chapter 29

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"P do we really have to go through all of these pictures?" Caroline whines as I open up my big box of pictures.

"Yes Caroline, Hope is growing up and I want to go through all these pictures so she can see what life before Hope was like" I say as I take a stack of pictures out of the box. Hope looks at Caroline and I smiling as all of sit on the blanket laid out on the floor going through the pictures.

"A lot of these are you and Klaus..." Caroline says as she looks through a few of the pictures.

"I know, I printed a bunch of them out to make a scrap book for Klaus for our 1st anniversary, but I wasn't anticipating losing Hope and I never got around to making it, especially since our first anniversary came and went..." I say as I look at the pictures. They make my heart swell with happiness.

"You were going to make a scarp book? For Klaus?" Caroline asks raising an eyebrow. I give her a weird look.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that? I wanted something sentimental"

"I don't know. It just seems like Klaus and scarp book don't mix" Caroline laughs a little.

"Listen Forbes, he would've loved it so shut your yap" I tease Caroline and we both laugh a little. I look at a picture I haven't seen in a long time. It's a picture of me and Klaus dancing at the Mikaelson ball, the first night we got together. We are both just looking at each other, looking so mesmerized by each other.

"Who took this picture?" Caroline asks curiously as she takes the picture from my hands.

"A photographer at the party, and I gave her my information and she sent it to me. I adore that picture.." I say as I pick up Hope and put her on my lap.

"It is a pretty picture. You look gorgeous and Klaus looks really handsome" Caroline says as she hands it back to me.

"Thanks Care. God that seems like forever ago. That was the first night Klaus and I got together..." I smile happily at the picture.

"When did you conceive Hope?" Caroline asks curiously.

"It was that time that I left to hunt Katherine, Klaus and I had split and he saved my life. We hooked up and I had just gotten off my birth control because it was making me gain weight, and I mean, Klaus is dead! I didn't think I could get pregnant!" I say as I look at Hope and I gently stroke her hair. "But it was the best thing that I ever did..." I smile happily.

"That's actually pretty cute. But look at this picture I found! It's super cute!" Caroline says handing me the picture. It's a picture of Klaus and I right before we went to Italy. We are in the grille and he is kissing my cheek while I smile like an idiot.

"That was a pretty fun day! That was only a few months before I got pregnant" I say as I look at the picture happily.

"Aw look at these! Klaus must've put these ones in an album!" Caroline says handing me a photo album.

"Actually Rebekah did this for me, it's all pictures from our wedding" I say as I open up the album. I look at the pictures and smile as Caroline hovers over my shoulder looking at the pictures.

"Look at that one! That's so cute!" Caroline says as she points to the picture of Alaric, Jeremy, Elena, her and myself.

"All of these are adorable. The photographer did an excellent job.." I say as I look through the pictures. I see a picture of Klaus, Hope and I dancing. Hope's tired little head is rested against Klaus's chest as we both smile down at her. 

"You and Klaus have a beautiful family P... And not even I can deny that.." Caroline says looking at the picture.

"Thanks Care..." I say smiling at her.

Losing Hope (Sequel to Little Wolf (a VD and TO story)Where stories live. Discover now