Chapter 43

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"Did I tell you that I really don't want to move your room next to daddy's?" I say to Hope as I put a few of her things in a box. I am moving Hope's stuff to her new room next to Klaus's so that the baby can move into Hope's room once she gets here, since it is connected to mine. Hope just plays with her toys happily on the floor as I continue packing up some of her things. Suddenly I hear footsteps down in the courtyard. I listen carefully, and know that the person isn't anyone I know.

"Stay right here Hope... Mama will be back in a second." I say as I leave the nursery. I look down and see an unknown man looking around the courtyard. "Excuse me? Can I help you?" I ask as I walk down the stairs into the courtyard.

"Mrs. Mikaelson..." The man says as he takes a few steps towards me.

"Yes... Can I help you with something?" I ask him curiously as I cross my arms over my chest.

"May you deliver this to Mr. Elijah Mikaelson?" The man asks curiously as he hands me some sort of invitation. I take it and look at it.

"Of course, I'll make sure he gets it." I say nodding my head and giving him a small smile. The man leaves and I read the invitation. It is quite peculiar. I look up and see Freya walking upstairs. "Freya? Can you watch Hope for a little while?" I ask her curiously

"Sure thing!" Freya says as she gives me a little wave. After I see Freya enter the nursery I leave the compound and drive to Marcel's gym where I know Elijah will be. I walk in and see Elijah punching a punching bag, he eventually punches the bag so hard it flies across the room.

"Hey! What did that bag ever do to you?" I ask him teasingly as I cross my arms over my chest.

"Penelope, what are you doing here?" Elijah asks as he wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Do you care explaining this invitation?" I ask as I wave it around in between my two fingers. "I do hope that you can come, old chum. Signed, Tristan" I say as I read the hand written note on the bottom. "And what the hell is a strix?" I ask curiously as I look at the note. Elijah comes over and takes the invitation out of my hand and examines it.

"It is none of your concern." Elijah says as he walks away from me.

"Nuh- uh, you aren't just going to shut me out like that. I am part of this family, as a matter a fact, I am bringing another member of this family into the world so you better spill." I say stubbornly as I cross my arms over my chest. Elijah looks at me reluctantly.

"What would you like to know?" Elijah asks me curiously. I give him a little smirk.



I walk upstairs and I hear Klaus giving Freya the riot act about the guys she brings back home after a night of partying. Elijah and I walk into the library where Freya and Klaus are residing.

"I like those guys! They talk to me in the morning while I feed Hope, they are all quite pleasant!" I say as catching their attention.

"Perfect, my wife and my not-so-loving brother are here. What a wonderful family gathering! This should be interesting." Klaus says not amused.

"So, Elijah has filled me in on all of this sire line stuff and stuff. So how do we decide which one of your many long lost buddies are trying to kill you?" I ask Klaus curiously. He glares at Elijah.

"Thank you Elijah for involving my very pregnant wife in all of this prophecy nonsense.." Klaus says sarcastically.

"Hey! I involved myself. But, I thought I could avoid this sire line nonsense, but it seems to be a growing problem. Someone want to explain further?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest. Klaus glares at me, obviously not wanting me to be involved, but he rolls his eyes and let's out a sigh before he begins talking.

Losing Hope (Sequel to Little Wolf (a VD and TO story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang