Chapter 12

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My alarm went off and unwrapped myself from my blanket. I looked at the clock which read 6:30. I slowly sat up and went strait to my shower. I scrubbed myself clean but taking my time. I kept thinking about how I finally get to see Tyler again. I went to my bedroom and got dressed for my first day of senior year. I slipped on my vans tucking my laces in. I checked myself in my mirror and put on my glasses. I was confident and ready I grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

"Bye honey." My mom said kissing my cheek handing me a granola bar. "Have a great first day."

"She's your daughter, she'll do great." Chris said tying his robe.

"Thanks, bye." I said grabbing my keys and going strait to my car. Taylor and Parker were walking across my lawn. "Let's go, we're going to be late." I yelled opening my car door.

"We're coming!" Taylor said jogging to my car. Taylor sat next to me and Parker sat in the back seat. We pulled out of the drive way.

"So Lo, are you excited to see Tyler tonight?" Parker asked.

"So excited." I said smiling parking my car in the school's parking lot. We all got out and we basically strutted into school. I sat with my softball team for the morning assembly getting hugs from all of the girls.

"Howdy Captain." Nick said, the captain of the baseball, basketball, and football team said sitting next to me.

"Hi Nick." I smiled turning my head back to my team. He shook my arm and I looked back at him and he put his arm around my shoulder.

"So, what about me and you go out to the fields after school and play pass for a while?" Nick asked.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm sorry Nick, my boyfriend is coming home and I need to wait for him at the airport."

"Tyler's coming back in town?" One of the other guys behind Nick asked.

"Yeah, tonight actually." I said.

"What a bummer." Nick sighed taking his arm off if me. "Maybe later." He said turning back to his guys and I turned back to my girls.

"Did you seriously just turn down Nick?" My teammate Rebekka asked.

"Yeah, I'm not a whore." I laughed. My principle started to talk about a bunch of things that no one really cares about. He then dismissed us to go on along our normal day. The day dragged by and I kept waiting for the bell to ring. By the last block of the day I was so prepared to get to my car and drop Taylor and Parker off and heading strait to the airport to get Tyler. As my art teacher was talking about what we will do this year I got a text from Tyler.

"See you in 30 minutes." I put my phone under the table tried to sneak a text.

"I'm so exited to see you baby ;)" I texted shooting my head up getting nudged by Cooper who was sitting next to me.

"Not as much as I am. Now pay attention." He replied. The next 20 minutes dragged by and when the bell rang I basically sprinted to my car which Taylor and Parker were already inside. I basically sped to Parker's house.

"Bye Lo. See you tomorrow." Taylor said grabbing her bag and Parker's hand.

"Bye guys." I said driving back to the airport. It took forever and a day to park and Tyler's flight lands in 2 minutes. I paced waiting for him to leave the gate. The door finally opened as well as my eyes. I was shaking like crazy, excitement filling my body. I saw Tyler walk in wearing his red and white shirt, red beanie, and black jeans. Tyler looked around and when we made eye contact. He dropped his carry on and walked closer to me. I ran up to him and jumped into his arms. He kissed my neck lightly and I almost started to cry.

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