Chapter 10

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I woke up in a panic and looked at my phone. Lucky for me it was only 9:30 I looked at Tyler and he was passed out. I got dressed in the very dark room and wrote Tyler a quick note telling him that I'll see him tomorrow afternoon and that I loved him. I slipped out of his house realizing I was wearing Tyler's shirt instead of mine. I shrugged and basically raced home. I climbed the later and jumped into my bedroom trying to live up to the promise I made Chris. I walked downstairs and saw my mom at the island with Chris.

"Morning." My mom said.

"Hi." I moaned putting waffles in the toaster.

"Logan." my mom said and I turned around looking at her. "I understand what's happening so I am letting you go to Tyler's show tomorrow, not for Tyler's sake but for Camerons." I looked at Chris and he nodded. I smiled hugely overwhelmed with what Chris has done for me. My mom got up and went to the bathroom as I was adding syrup to my breakfast, Chris them came and stood in front of me.

"Logan, do you mind if I talk to you?" he asked.

"Sure." I smiled.

"I want you to know that I love your mother so much and the past 2 years have been amazing, and I've come to love this family." Chris said.

"You're rambling get to the point." I said cutting my waffle.

"I asked your grandma and she gave me her blessing, and your opinion means the world to me."

"Let me see the ring." I said getting the gist of what he was saying.

"What?" He asked.

"You can marry my mom." He smiled ear to ear and took the box out of his pocket an slid it to me. "It's beautiful Chris." I smiled.

"I'm taking her out tonight and that's when I'm going to ask her." He said excited.

"Good." I smiled handing him back the box and finishing my waffle. I put my plate in the sink and went right back upstairs. I grabbed a random book off the book shelf in my closet, my blanket, and a pillow and went on the roof. I started reading when I heard someone climbing up the house I snapped my head and saw Cameron.

"What're you doing?" I laughed at him.

"Well, my mom is having lunch with your mom so I figured why not come here and annoy you all day." He laughed putting his sunglasses on his head. "Plus I'm not going to see my favorite cousin for a super de duper long time so I figured why not."

"How did you know I was up here?" I asked.

"I didn't." He shook his head. "I was just hoping you were here." he sat next to me and looked over my shoulder. "So what are you reading?" He asked.

"I don't know." I laughed closing the book. "I just sorta pulled a book out." There was a moment of silence but Cameron broke it

"When's Tyler coming over?" Cameron asked.

"He's spending time with family before he leaves." I said throwing my blanket and pillow through the window and we both stood up. "Come here." He said taking me into a hug the sun was very hot so when I let go I went strait into the window Cameron trailing behind me. Him and I laid on my bed accidently smashing heads.

"Fuuuck." he laughed holding his forehead.

"Oh my god." I laughed holding the back of my head. "I am so sorry." I laughed laying next to him and putting my hand over the red area.

"Is it bad?" He asked.

"It's already bruising." I laughed.

"You suck." Cameron laughed throwing a pillow at me. I took the pillow and put it behind my head. After a few seconds of silence I interrupted it.

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