Chapter 3

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"Good morning!" Parker's voice rang through my ear. I rolled over and looked at him. "I see you haven't packed yet." He reached into my closet and grabbed my pink duffle bag. "Come on let's go!" He was so energized. I got up and packed quickly, I wasn't even sure what I bought. I grabbed a white loose fitting tangtop and a pair of shorts. I went into my bathroom and took a quick shower. I have never woken up this early in my life. I stepped out of the shower and towel dried my hair. I got dressed, putting my bikini under my outfit, and threw my hair in a sock bun and walked out of the bathroom. I got my sunglasses and put them on and walked zipped my bag realizing Parker was no longer in my room. I slipped on my black toms and went to the kitchen. Taylor and Parker were drinking orange juice as I made myself a bagel. When I sat next to them Taylor killed the silence.

"How was your sleep?" Taylor asked.

"Short." I answered. I finished my bagel and I went to get my keys.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled. Parker, Taylor, and I went to my car. We threw the bags in the car and we drove over to the Wilson's. I parked in the drive way and we waited for them to come out. Parker plugged his phone in and started to play We Can't Stop by Miley Cyrus. By the time the song was over the three guys came out and Cameron came to my window.

"Patty left already because we were all running late so just follow us. Alright?" he smiled at me.

"Alright." I nodded. He walked back to the car and got in the drivers seat. Dan got in the back and Tyler looked into my car before getting in the passenger seat. Cameron pulled out and I followed right behind him. After an hour drive and three fights about who's music to listen to we go to the cam ground which was in the middle of no where. I parked right next to Cameron and got out. I threw my sunglasses on and popped the trunk. After Parker and Taylor got their bags out of the trunk I went to reach for my bag but Dan sweeped me into a hug.

"I've missed you!" He said holding me tight.

"I've missed you too Dan!" I said wrapping my arms around him. Dan and I have been friends for god knows how long. We are basically womb mates, his mom and my dad use to work together so Dan and I would always have little play dates. He let go of my embrace and I grabbed my pink duffle bag and closed the trunk. All six of us signed in together and went to our cabin. When we walked I. There was only three bunk beds. Tyler and Dan shared one with Tyler on bottom and Dan on top the Cameron and I with Cameron on bottom and me on top and Parker and Taylor with Parker on bottom and Taylor on top. I unpacked making my bed first then putting my clothes in the cubbies that were on the bed, then ending with putting my shampoos in another cubby. When we were all unpacked we went to the lake. Dan and I rented an umbrella and say under it as everyone went jumping off the doc. Most of the girls in Patty's book club have small children so they stay in the day care.

"So, how has your mom been?" Dan asked.

"She's fine." I smiled.

"Is she still with Chris?" He asked as I started to remember what I walked in on yesterday.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"This may be a touchy subject but goes everyone dealing with Andy being gone?" Dan asked.

"Obviously it's hard sometimes but I think we're doing well." I said.

"So how's this weekend with Tyler going to be?" Dan asked. "Should we buy ear plugs?" he asked.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm not going to say anything rude to him and if he starts I'll try my best to not retaliate." I said.

"Look at you, being mature and all!" Dan laughed. I lifted my tang top off and stripped myself of my shorts. Dan slipped his shirt off.

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