Chapter 5

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"Wake up." Taylor said shaking my bunk. I shot up scared then relaxed. "How late we're you and Tyler out?" Taylor asked moving to Tyler's bed to wake up Tyler.

"I got him." I said blowing off her previous question. "I have a good trick."

"If he sees me standing here he'll get pissed." Taylor said.

"Then go the car or find your boy friend." She shrugged then walked out.

"Just make sure your both pack." She said.

"Got it." I waited until I saw her walk into the dining hall to wake up Tyler. I looked around the cabin and made sure we are alone. I crawled into Tyler's bunk and kissed him. He slightly woke up. "Good morning baby." He opened his eyes and smiled at me as I straddled his lap.

"Wow, what a great way to wake up." He smiled as I kissed him again.

"So, we have to pack up, so get that cute little bum into gear." I said holding the head board and kissing him hard on the lips. I went to pull away but he came back for more. I got off of him and he followed me into the bathroom. We brushed our teeth and started to pack. Once I was done I watched Tyler as he packed. His bag was packed by color and clothing item. He smiled as I eyed his every move he made. When he finished he leaned over me and stared into my eyes. He was leaning on his elbows and his baggy shirt showed a clear view of his torso. I bit my lip and looked back into his eyes.

"you're so pretty." He complimented me.

"What's up with you and these compliments every five minutes?" I asked.

"I just think you're so pretty, and you should know that." He said kissing me on top of my head. I smiled and buried my face into the crook of his neck. I slowly started to kiss his neck and I felt his smile. He ran his fingers through his hair as I kissed up to his lips.

"You're so good looking." I complimented him.

"Thanks." he smiled.

"They're going to suspect something happening if we don't go now." I said trying to get him off of me.

"But, I'm not done with you." He said clinging himself to my lips.

"Tyler." I moaned into his lips. He got off of me about five minutes later and he smirked at me. We grabbed our bags and went to the cars. I saw Taylor, Cameron, Parker and Dan all in one car. Tyler went to Cameron window as I packed my pink duffle bag in the back of my car when Tyler dropped his bag on top of mine.

"Guess who's driving with you." He smiled as he kissed my cheek. I closed the trunk and looked at Cameron's car. Taylor was smiling at me and in return I flipped her off and mouthed 'fuck you.' to her. I got in the car and slammed the door shut. Cameron pulled away and I followed him out. Tyler plugged in his phone and we started to listen to some of his music. The ride there we sang karaoke the whole time. We got lost and had to ask for directions which Tyler didn't want to do. We pulled into my driveway by 3:30.

"Well." He unplugged his phone. "That was a good second date." He smiled.

"When did we have our first date?" I asked.

"You know, that walk at the camp, I assumed that was our first date." He said opening the car door, and stepping out. I popped the trunk and ran to the back.

"Wanna come inside?" I asked.

"No, everyones home, then they'll know for sure something's going on." he said looking into Taylors house.

"Alright." I said closing the trunk and turned to him. After an awkward moment I decided to walk away. "Bye." I smiled.

"Logan." he said, I turned around. "Come here." he said opening his arms. As I approached him he swallowed me in a hug. "You little awkward turtle you." He said bending down and pressing his lips to mine. I kissed him back and when we pulled apart we locked hands.

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