Chapter 8

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"Logan, Logan wake up." I batted my eyes open and saw Chris.

"What?" I asked aggravated he woke you up.

"You where screaming, I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"Yeah, I'm fine." I smirked at him. "Thanks for checking on me."

"No problem." He smiled walking out of my room. I looked at the clock and realize I slept over 12 hours and I was still tired. I checked my phone to see a text from my mom.

"Family dinner tonight with the family, dress nice and no Tyler after 1:00 people will be there at 2 I'm expecting a spotless house." I read out loud. Tyler was probably still sleeping so I didn't even bother texting him. I showered and stood in my towel in front of my closet. I decided on a pair of black high waisted shorts and a pink Forever 21 shirt. I got dressed in yoga shorts and a tang top because I planned on going to Rite Aid. I walked downstairs where I told Chris where I was going. I bought myself some liquid cover up do my family didn't think I was a slut. My hair was up and I was getting a lot of glares from people. I went to my car and sped home to get ready. I put my outfit on and covered my hickey very well. I straightened my hair and almost right after I started to clean upstair area Tyler's ringtone went of and I went to answer it.

"Hey baby." I said.

"Hey doll face, wanna go on a ride with me today?" He asked.

"I can't, it's family dinner night." I answered.

"So I can't see you at all today?" he asked.

"Sorry." I said.

"Logan! Your moms coming home. Come down here so it looks you did something!" Chris called from downstairs.

"Be down in a minute!" I yelled back. "I need to go but I'll see you later okay?"

"Alright." He answered as I put on a pair of socks.


"Bye." He said you then hung up. I went to the kitchen just in time because my mom walked in right after.

"Hello honey." Chris said kissing my mom.

"Hello." She said. "So tonight we are going out to eat then coming here before and after." My mom said placing a few paper bags on the counter. "So I got some wine and a few six packs and juice pouches." she was in her frantic mode.

"Mom." I said grabbing her and giving her a hug. "You're going into frantic mom stage again, relax."

"Okay." She said taking a deep breath. "You look nice." She smiled.

"Thanks." I smiled accepting the comment.

"And Cameron and Chris are coming as well." She said.

"I'd hope so they're my cousins, cousins are family right?" I sassed.

"And Mark." she winked. Mark was my half cousin that has a huge crush on me when I was younger. He smokes and drinks and has so many tattoos, and I had my first smoke with him. My mom still holds the childhood crush over my head.

"Mom, I have a boy friend." I pointed out. "And I'll evenly distribute myself though out all 13 Rayne progeny."

"Good." She smiled. "What shows are you wearing?" she asked.

"Black wedges." I answered. She nodded and walked away. "She's nuts." I laughed talking to Chris and was about to walk away.

"Logan." I looked at him and he motioned for me to come over. "Tonights a pretty big night for me for many reasons." He said swallowing hard. "Who should I try to impress the most tonight?" he asked.

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