Chapter 11

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"Wake up beautiful." Tyler's voice softly said. My eyes fluttered open and saw Tyler sitting next to me.

"Good morning." I smiled my eyes slowly closing.

"Come on. Get up and shower so we can get going." He said as I sat up. I stretched and got out of bed grabbing a towel, my bra, and underwear and went strait to the bathroom. I scrubbed myself clean and washed my hair. I got out of the shower and dried off, put on my bra and underwear, wrapped the towel around me, brushed my teeth, and walked back to the bedroom. Tyler was in shock when he saw the bruises all over my chest. "Damn, I'm good." He laughed as I dropped my towel putting on my pink shorts, my bandeau, and a Dope tang top. As I was about to put the tang top over my head Tyler pulled me closer by the loop of my shorts. He ran his fingers over each hickey, the pride beaming in his eyes. "Wow." He said kissing each one, once he finished I slipped my tang top on. I slipped on my neon pink Osiris shoes and my glasses before grabbing his hand and leading him down stairs, to my car. Before I sat down he pulled me closer to him. "You haven't said anything, you're acting weird, what's up?" he asked.

"Nothing." I reassured.

"You're lip is twitching." He said pointing at my lip.

"It's nothing." I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a romantic kiss. "Now, let's get going." I said slipping into the front seat and he jogged to the passenger seat. Once in, he placed his hand on my knee and watched my every move. I followed his directions and we arrived a little late. We parked and I went to get out but Tyler grabbed my hand.

"Talk to me." Tyler demanded.

"What" I asked slipping my keys in my pockets.

"What's going on?" He asked demanding to know. "And I want a real answer."

"It's, it's just that I'm going to miss you guys." I said itching my elbow. "I'm going to miss you."

"Oh babe." He said lacing our fingers together. "I'm going to miss you too." He said leaning over and leaving a kiss on my lips. I wasn't taking any kiss for granted, I truly was going to miss him so much. We got out of the car then walked hand in hand to back stage where all the guys where.

"Oh look who finally decided to show up." One guy I didn't know said. He has a lip piercing and long blond hair.

"Oh how funny." Tyler laughed. "Guys meet Logan." He said showing me off as if he was Vanna White. "Logan that's Timmy." He said pointing to the lip ring guy. "That's James." He said pointing to the guy spinning drum sticks in his hands. "And that's Justin." he said pointing to the one who had the best blue eyes in the history of blue eyes.

"Nice to meet you guys." I waved shyly.

"So Logan, how did you meet Sir Idiot over here?" Timmy asked.

"He's my neighbor."

"So your neighbors with Tyler, cousins with Cameron, and childhood friends with Dan?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah." I said realizing how crazy that sounds. Tyler whispered something I couldn't comprehend in my ear and stood up taking me with him.

"Tyler, we are talking to her!" James wined.

"Calm down Ennis, we will be right back." He dragged me to the stage. A few people were setting up the speakers.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Come here." He pulled me to this duct tape square on the stage. "This is center stage."

"Okay." I said raising an eyebrow.

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