Make It Work.

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Hi, the names Logan, cant you tell my dad wanted a boy? I'm from a small town in New York called Carmel. I'm impacted by many people in my life so let's make a list.

Taylor- My Best friend. We're inseparable and we basically never fight even though we are together every day. My life.

Dan- my dads old work partners son. Ive known him since the day I was born, seriously, we were born in the same room on the same day only different years. My wombmate

Jane - My mother. We basically have the worst relationship and clash heads all the time. Even though she pisses me off I can't live without her. My rock.

Andy- My baby brother. Okay he's 4 but he's still my baby brother. He's super cute. My favorite dead brother.

Tyler- Massive idiot that lives next to Taylor. He is always picking on me or I'm always picking on him. The dickhole.

Parker- Tyler's brother. He's one of my best friends that Taylor introduced me to. My idiot.

Dean: My father. He divorced my mother the moment he found out about my baby brother Andy. The asshole.

So that's basically some of the people that've changed and formed my life. That's my life.

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