Chapter 17

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I came and knocked on Fuller's door and he answered in a matter of seconds.  He led me to the couches without uttering a word and we just sat in silence for a few minutes before Fuller spoke up.

"So It's not the kiss in particular that I want to talk about" Fuller admitted and I scowled at him.

"Oh so you decide to say this now after my boyfriend got the wrong idea after seeing the text" I grumble and Fuller's face twists in pain.

"I'm sorry, I probably should have worded it differently" He sighed.

"Your damn right you should have" I muttered "Now thanks to you, Scott thinks I've been cheating on him."  Fuller just sighed with a guilty look on his face.

"Look, I called to tell you that I'm confused" He admitted nervously and I cocked my head so he continued "ever since we kissed back in the 8th grade I've been confused.... I tried to block out the confusion by sleeping with all sorts of girls but-"

"I'm not into you that way Fuller" I stated, cutting him off and his face turned completely red.

"I wasn't insinuating that.  What I was going to say is I think I'm gay" He said and swallowed nervously "but it isn't every single guy I run into, it's just this one guy in particular."

"I don't even know why your telling me all of this, we aren't even friends" I sighed and Fuller frowned.

"I'm telling you this because your friends with the guys that I'm confused about and I just really need some advise from someone" He moaned.

"I swear to god if you are talking about Scott I will flip shit" I threatened and he pulled back a bit.

"It isn't Scott I swear, it's that guy with the blue green eyes and the curly pepper brown hair.  He has a five star smile that could out shine anyone and- oh god what am I saying" he admitted and buried his face into his hands in pure embarrassment.

"Are you saying you have a crush on Isaac Lahey?" I asked incredulously and he gave me a sheepish look.  I thought about it for a minute and I remember Isaac thinking Lidya was his mate, but then he realized she wasn't.... what if Fuller is Isaac's mate.  Well there is one way I could find out, let's see if Fuller will defend Isaac.

"Yeah, I think" He said with a half smile.

"That guy is a piece of shit" I said not meaning a word of what I was saying, I was just trying to get a reaction out of Fuller "He's the ugliest fucker and he's weak and pathetic and-"

"Shut the fuck up about him" Fuller growled and I felt the biggest smile grow on my face.  Isaac my friend, I think I've found your mate.  Then I frowned as I remembered my current problems with my own mate.

"Fuller, I was just kidding.  I think you've got yourself a bit of a crush" I smirked and his whole face turned red "Look, I'll talk with Isaac and work something out.  As for right now, I have to work things out with Scott."  I got up and was almost to the door when Fuller spoke up.

"Thanks Jackson, we might enemies most of the time, but you really aren't that bad of a guy" He admitted and I smiled.

"Neither are you Fuller, neither are you" I chuckled before leaving.



I sat at home just sulking on my couch.  The more I thought about my fight with Jackson the more I think I over reacted.  I never even gave him a chance to explain.

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